
I had dinner with my BFF and her baby the other week. My BFF went to the bathroom while I sat alone playing with said baby for a few minutes. It actually occurred tone that if my life were a movie about a single childless woman in her 30s, this would be the moment about a third of the way in, when there would be a

But she literally got handcuffed for trying to talk over the judge.

It’s like he’s a bad person and his eyes are trying to get away.

“It’s our identity.”

Why is he allowed to show his nipples? Man has boobs and he's not trying to breastfeed anyone so I see zero reason why this is ok if it's not ok for me to let my natural God made breasts out.

Certainly the rapist has no shortage of tears in the photo, so crying isn't indicative of any actual empathy.

I am the stoic non-cryer of my family, so I know exactly what you mean. I may cry later, but not until I am alone. And I would never cry in front of a room full of people. I kind of wish I could, but that’s just not who I am. And, yes, people often get me wrong.

“During her testimony, she became very emotional and cried. You could just see something different in her when she started talking about the rape and when it happened,” said Speaks.

This. I posted something on Facebook about men needing to learn to take rejection better rather than women needing to learn to be polite and a friend’s husband commented ‘why not both?’ Why is it on us to ‘be polite’ when being polite can still get you shot? Why are we made responsible for the feelings and reactions

“Why can’t women be honest and just tell a guy no?”


So if one were to take the time to read the studies (and there are a ton) fetal alcohol spectrum disorders are normally caused by binge drinking, and binge drinking in the second half of the first trimester. There has been no evidence found that light to moderate drinking after the first trimester causes any harm.

The comments on Jez articles relating to drinking and pregnancy are always entertaining. Many other countries do not fully abstain from alcohol while pregnant. Most of our grandparents probably had some drinks while pregnant with our parents (and many of them smoked, which is probably much worse). At no other time in

FALSE. If I had a boyfriend I would be looking into his bowl to see if he had any more ice cream I could steal. >:(

I am not sure if I’ll be having kids, but if I do, I’d probably abstain. The real question is, am I allowed to ban my partner from drinking alcohol for the 9 months that I can’t partake?

It’s just the way of conservatives acting like a fetus, which is a clump of cells with no idea of its existence, is the same thing as a woman. Whether that be a teenaged woman or a 46 year old. The fact that there are people fighting for the rights of a cluster of cells that resembles a human, but can’t accept that a

My father said those same exact words to my mother about me. It broke her heart, I’m so so sorry. I was sick a lot as a child with kidney problems and still have a chronic illness. It’s easy for shitty people to judge decent people while they refuse to do anything to help. Please don’t take it to heart. I know that’s

I dunno. I think talking about weight loss is really fucking hard, period. A very dear friend of mine is a Beach Body fitness coach, so her FB is filled with all this inspirational talk all the time. I want to be super snarky about it, but I can’t, because she consistently hits the exact right tone - and I’ve never

Kellyyyyyyy these ads are punching me in the gut.

Clearly that black girl is unable to stand on her own two feet without the stabilization provided by white feminists?