@mishacat: Agreed. I would be mortified if my friends had to deal with my child's legal troubles.
@mishacat: Agreed. I would be mortified if my friends had to deal with my child's legal troubles.
@daisyhalfwit: I'm jealous of your boogie.
@AristotlesCrab: This is exactly what I came here to say, but you beat me to it. Dude is just aaaaalllll sour grapes because no first lady has wanted to wear 'im since 20+ years ago.
@shadoobie: And snacking on a handful of the lunch lady's hater tots.
Someone broke into my car last night. They didn't take anything, just left 4 Timberwolves tickets on the dashboard. It was worse than being robbed.
"These pro-life babies wearing hats billboards are so passé."
@New to NYC: I don't know where in Minnesota you lived. I've been living here my whole life (grew up in outstate southern MN and now Minneapolis proper for the past 4 years) and I'll agree with three quarters of your statement—there is a ton of xenophobia and racism in the rural areas, but I find very little of it in…
@LaComtesse: Dibs on little Dylan.
@jelly71: I like your attitude about it. I feel like sometimes a former boss (personal work in her home) would get upset when I mentioned spending money on an expensive pair of boots or going out to dinner when they're struggling to pay their bills and keep me employed. Fact is, though, that they agreed to pay me a…
@Dialogue_Dub: Stay out of her salmon bushes!
@FelineFraulein: Yeah, my now-boyfriend thought my profile was a fake one after I sent him a message.
@Rare Affinity: I just think that if she's trying to win over the hearts of lots and lots of moviegoers, being absolutely bougie and unrelatable isn't really the way to go (particularly when our economy is so shitty).
Since we're on the subject of vacation traditions that are near-and-dear to our hearts, Gwyneth, let me tell you where I summer every year: in my windowless cubicle, in the one class I can afford to pay for out of pocket at my university every year, and in my 600 square foot apartment. Oh, and about three times over…
@Morning Gloria: In this global economy, we need every leg up we can get.
@lucystrawberry: I didn't know either! With England having a few prominent female monarchs in recent history, I guess I just figured they were getting a fair shake. I never even considered whether or not they had siblings (and obviously, I didn't look it up).
@justpointingout: Amen! This shit stops when we decide to teach our sons (collective we, I don't have a son) the appropriate way to behave toward women, when we stop having separate expectations and curfews for our male and femal offspring, and when we finally learn what it means to be a good man and perpetuate that…
@RaskolnikovFeltSick: I nannied a boy from when he was 20 months old to 2.5. He would sometimes say "Leave me alone!" when he was playing but aside from a trip to the bathroom when he said that, I always stayed within eyesight of him. Honor the request of a child who wants to play independently at that age? …
@AndPreciousLittleofThat: I love a good historical dig. Thanks!
@MTmom: Ha! Thanks for the info. Sometimes I wonder what my mom tells her friends—does she talk about my jobs while glossing over the fact that I took them during a break from school due to suspension?
@netfe: Fair dig. I meant that the only way to prevent, like, the appearance of aging. The only way to stave off wrinkles a little bit better.