
Remember when James Woods was notable for (allegedly) having a big dick instead of just being a complete dick?

Good times, good times.

Speaking of telegraphing a death:

Also, learn to use full stops and commas. The run on, paragraph length sentences are annoying.

Yeah...I’m not particularly interested in what the side of the cult says...but thanks. This is definitely not something I would see worthy of “hearing both sides” JWs have a long history of cult like behavior. No different from scientologists or LDS. But I don't doubt you sleep better living in denial.

100,000% accurate. i never put any bumper stickers on my car because i used to go to the drive-in with my friends and drink and i would inevitably run into people who know my family and to make it worse it’s a small town so you basically couldn’t take a shit without everyone knowing what color it was. i found out so

To all the JW’s in the grey #wellactual-ing this bullshit, shut the fuck up. Really.  Actually.  Truly. You are not helping.

because of jw’s i’ve learned to see religion as a sort of high school for boring adults who are desperate to fit in.

If anyone gets a chance, check out the JW episode of Leah Reminis show...(not King of Queens☺) She was contacted by a bunch of them in the hopes she could provide them with a platform to speak out. 

Give him just a cloud made up entirely of farts. The farts of 1,000 body builders post morning protein shake. The farts of my baby brother that could fell a bull elephant mid-stride. The farts of my college years consisting of ramen, hot dogs, leftover food from the guest speaker I was stealing because free food is

Who is this Rep. Ocasio Cortez they speak of? Because the one I see is whip smart, endearingly charismatic, tireless, capable  and deeply patriotic (in its true sense). So Huckabee and his “Friends” are just talking about a staw [wo]man they’ve created to bash (which is what they did to Barack Obama for ten years,

I’ll second this. I’m an atheist. Ethical atheists don’t go around telling everyone they have to not have faith and bashing anyone who’s religious/believes in God/whatever.  If they’re not actively bothering you (and I don’t mean “I don’t like it = they’re bothering me”), then leave them alone like they’re leaving you

Dear Atheist friend you aren't better than the person you're attacking. You both essentially believe the same thing that people should be good while alive because it makes the world better not for some after life. Being an asshole online doesn't wait, it's here. It's now. 

Sanctimonious atheists make the rest of us hope the Calvinists are right.

that would conflict with their other concurrent narrative that she’s a ditzy bimbo

There have been some allegations she was almost like the Manchurian Candidate; recruited, prepared

There are some forces behind her.

i’m surprised they didn’t think to call her articulate.

Somebody’s writing her questions [at hearings]

Almost like she (and/or her staff) writes notes in preparation for hearings! DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!