
Asking those sorts of questions here is a form of low-key trolling and derailment. Which is why I referred to it as a stupid-ass question.

The “Tell us what we can do to help” guy.

President Obama’s “health care for all” law was officially called the “Affordable Care Act” but has been nicknamed Obamacare in honor of its champion.

There’s a debate in another subthread as to whether this should be #11 of #1 because this dude has ALREADY STARTED TWO THREADS. We’re gonna need a whole new category for “Needs Too Much Attention and Needs Attention Too Much” Guy. Like A Special Recognition Oscar.

I’m literally #8 (a little of 6 and 4 I suppose) on this list. If it isn’t directed at me, who is it for?

If you’re serious about learning how to unlearn your racism, look for a local SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice) chapter. Folks there will help you with these sorts of answers. But don’t come into a space for black folks and make them teach you - that’s just another sort of entitlement that we white folks expect.

We don’t need your fucking help mr. benevolent white man. What exactly do you think that you’re going to do for blacks? If you’re not a racist piece of dog shit then you’re doing more than enough. If you are a racist piece of dog shit then you can go ahead and fuck right off somewhere. Save all that “unaware white

Okay, but up above you said: “With shit like this racism will exist forever and I no longer care.” So it just doesn’t really seem like you are all that committed to making any effort to end racism. So why should anyone invest any time in helping you figure out what to do?

Because you’re not saying “there are terrible white people” you’re saying “white people are terrible. I hate us.” I’ve never met a black person who would say, “white people are terrible.”

Okay, let’s be earnest- you really want to help? Donate money to BLM, stand up and protest with the NFL players, call your local politicians and get info on what the prison system is like in your state, see what you can do about police reform. Argue with EVERY SINGLE RELATIVE when they start with their racist shit. Be

One white due to another: shut the fuck up, man. You are showing your ass in public right now.

But white people don’t suck. White supremacy sucks. Saying, “white people sucks” allows you to act as though there’s nothing you can do.

In other words:

Dude, don’t hate yourself or say people suck. You sound like you got some good metacognition skills and you try to be a good person. In my humble opinion I think you just need to learn when to argue back and when to walk away. Sometimes people are open to discussions and are looking to brainstorm solutions to issues

Step 1.) Shut the fuck up and pay attention.

For starters, don’t come into a Black-oriented forum and complain that the articles don’t speak directly to you.

I hate the comments I see here sometimes where a white person comes in and is basically like “Um hi, white person here! I just want to know if you could educate me on being less offensive!”

#8.5: The “if you’re not talking directly to me and giving me specifically individualized instructions on not being a piece of shit, then you’re being counterproductive and I’m just going to keep being a racist (but I always was going to just keep being a racist anyway)“ guy.

I have wanted to smack so many people over that one. If you are genuinely arguing something you are not the Devil’s Advocate. The DA is trying to help the person making a point craft their argument, not change their mind, beat them in an argument, or show them up. So many people act like calling themselves that is a

Don’t forget the “Devil’s Advocate” white guy (figures the devil’s advocate would be a white guy). Or are he and Debates guy one and the same?