
- Edith being ridiculously happy
- Molesley & Baxter being adorable
- A boyfriend for Thomas
- The return of Miss O'Brien

I suppose. That’s really sad though.
It would have been nice if the show adressed it a bit more explicitly. I think it would explain a lot about Barrow's defensive behaviour.

That's… actually beautiful. And now I'm sad this didn't happen.

"Oh, I must go, Master George. But remember: I will always be your friend, wherever I am."

Both Tom and Thomas were characters with interesting and compelling potential, but are now wandering through the halls of Downton as neutered, pale shadows of their former selves. Such a shame.

“If you’re trying to get rid of me, I’m going to make this as hard and as horrible as I can”

Exactly. I mean, I understand the parallel: "We've both been unhappy which is why we lash out and we shouldn't do that", but that is pretty much how far the parallel goes, considering Barrow is a working-class gay man who was facing unemployment and actually tried to better himself but ended up incredibly lonely,

This episode was so Mary-centered, even Barrow's suicide became about her (in the short and only scene he had after the attempt!).

So am I; not only would it be terribly sad, but I also have little faith in Fellowes handling a topic like that well. If it happens off-screen or if it's quickly glossed over, things might be thrown at my screen.

I loved Thomas bringing that lemonade, genuinely asking about the exams and trying to save Andy from embarassment; he's trying so hard, but still he ends up alone. They didn't exactly ward him off, but he wasn't invited in the first place, his good deed got him no positive blow back from his collegues whatsoever, that

Some highlights from the episode (apart from the puppy and Edith looking marvellous):

I couldn't care less about 'the show's wavering sympathy for Barrow'; whenever his vulnerable side comes forward, I always fall for it HARD (I blame the wonderful actor; did you see his jaw tremble after Carson walked off? So much conveyed with so little screentime. Brilliant stuff.).

Oh absolutely, I think it's a shame he doesn't get mentioned a bit more (so thank you!). Objectively there isn't any other character on this show with so many different sides and aspects, and he somehow managed to portray all of them beautifully, creating a fierce but tragic character I sometimes want to slap but also

Fair enough haha. I'll admit that at this point, I'm not completely bothered anymore with things like character development/consistency/psychology or logic on this show, because it's obvious the characters aren't very well-rounded and behave a certain way just to create plotlines, whether it makes sense or not.

Oh I know, which is why I would like him to go to London (or any other bigger place), because there actually were queer subcultures blooming across England at that time. Last season had Thomas going to London (undergoing that terrible therapy to 'cure' his sexuality) so why not now I'd say. Let's have a taste of 1925

Yes, it was illegal, and unfortunately so until 1967 I believe. Of course I'm joking a bit because I think the actor is quite handsome and I'd like to see his character getting some action rather than walking around depressed and being ignored.

All right, so unfortunately Andy isn't a closeted gay, he just can't read.
Pro: Thomas actually gets the chance to be helpful and nice