
Apple never cuts corners.

"You can't bend it"

There is no "upside down" in space.

That would make the random drug tests at the office so much faster....

There's something else?

Every single xkcd comic has been posted on Gizmodo, and all of the other Gawker sites.

"works in up to 70% humidity (sorry Florida, no neck A/C for you)"

You could always unplug that black cable in the back of your modem....

Well, doing it any other way would take twice as long and have more room for error.

There's a built in safety feature for that: once you get that drunk, the glass becomes invisible.

Lawsuits and death also lead to progress.... not necessarily medical progress, though.

That article is from the beginning of the recession, and does not cite the TSA as the main reason why people stopped flying- the article blamed the costs associated, such as fuel. The TSA is mainly funded by the feds. The article says "inefficient security screening, flight cancellations and delays were the top

Well, there is very little reason for people to hi-jack a bus or a train. What you can do with a bus, you can do with a car, trains have to stay on the track, and the hipsters and homeless/hobos may be annoying but there is no reason to kill them. Most churches are much too small to even be considered targets, and

"Metal detectors take care of all firearms."

It looked like the picture on the pamphlet on quantum physics I picked up from Fermi Lab when I visited with my physics class.

There is a reason for the TSA to do what it does - the airlines don't want people breaking their planes, and the government doesn't want people to break planes with buildings. People with their own planes don't need to go through the screenings - assuming they are going to fly their own plane and not get on one of

Not going to help much: there are always cameras pointed at the checkpoints.

What is that?

You're right, she is't going to need one.

It may be the first 17.3 inch laptop, yes, but it is not the largest by any means. I wouldn't give it brownie points if I were you.