
The Most Dangerous Catch is also on the Discovery Channel. Absolutely nothing remarkable about their jobs, and all of the drama in the show come from them fucking up every step of the work they get paid to do.

"Slingshot Master"

try full screen. I didn't get it until I hit that button.

I was honestly expecting a "Stare at this cross for 30 seconds, at which point there will be a death scream and a picture of some photoshoped freak with murder in its eyes" thing.

I wish I could take a picture of what I thought I saw.

I can only hope there are aliens on earth. Even though I am surrounded by ~7 billion other humans on this planet, I feel lonely when I look up. Perhaps it is because I am surrounded by billions on earth that I am lonely looking up - missing the comfort of others.

That just say's it's not CO2, it doesn't mean it isn't bad for the environment.

Not so much that they look silly as they look unprofessional.

Hard to say.

It probably does save power - I will give it that - but the article says "saving the planet" which I find hard to believe because those chemicals have to go somewhere. They could be completely harmless, too, but I have no idea what chemicals are being used.

DARPA's thing that you are probably thinking of is actually a glass + metal glove with slots for two hands, designed so that a single cup of water and about ten minutes of using the cooling glove can save dehydrated soldiers in desert areas, or the random person who gets lost in a warm place without water.

I was getting the impression that it was a permanent type of thing.

This type of thing has been done so many hundreds of times it's boring.

Stops the pain but not the effects.

You can get a couple meters of foam tube for a couple of quarters. With a pair of scissors and a few pieces of tape you can get the same result and a cleaner look.

I don't know, some of those Monster Cables are pretty stiff...

Alternatively: Stay inside.

That's like saying "If the only thing that keeps people from setting themselves on fire is the pain from being on fire, then they deserve to die in a fire."

It's not so much that he is making the art, but paying other people so that he may claim it as his own.

British contest?