Ah yes, famous Watchmen character “Owlman.”
Ah yes, famous Watchmen character “Owlman.”
So you survive, hooray, but shit still sucks.
Sundance, apparently.
I remember liking Snow Angels and *ahem* Pineapple Express quite a bit, but yeah, it’s hard to remember what we were all so excited about.
Ah well, there’s always next time.
This, exactly. “Just hire the best person for the job” presupposes that, by hiring a person of color, they’re not doing that.
I rented a Duran Duran video compilation when I was maaaaaybe 9 or 10. When “Girls on Film” came on, I stopped the tape and found my dad to ask if it was okay for women to be nude in a movie, to which he replied with the classic “As long as it serves the story, son.” On that day, I became a man.
No question that gift and gifted exist as verbs, or even that this is an instance where the particular sense mentioned in the definition (especially formally or as a donation or bequest) makes sense. I just feel like I’ve seen gift and gifted essentially replace give and given almost entirely in the last 5 years or…
announced it would gift
It’s the ultimate “Stomp a serial rapist in the balls when he’s already down,” which, as far as I’m concerned, is a-ok.
I could live a long, happy life without ever seeing another rape depicted in a movie or television show.
The obvious answer is that jizz and jatz are different styles of music. Perhaps Sy Snoodles got his start as a jizz-wailer, then took those skills to the burgeoning field of jatz music.
Yeah, I guess I had assumed that I was wrong about that song’s title when I was a kid, which seemed possible since it was unlisted on No Alternative. Regardless, great song!
Then and now, my favorite Nirvana tunes are the weirder, more raw stuff that got relegated to B-sides and comps. “On the Guilt,” “Sappy,” “I Hate Myself And Want To Die,” “Curmudgeon,” that’s my shit.
Now entering my second decade of never knowing which one is Busy and which one is Bijou.
team-up of the prodigy of the world’s greatest secret agents
Dating under 18 may not always be illegal, but drugging and raping women sure as fuck is.