One of the teens who Allen slept with claims that Mia was part of the hook-up so take that as you will.
One of the teens who Allen slept with claims that Mia was part of the hook-up so take that as you will.
I simply don’t understand all the hate that Secret Invasion is getting. I’ve enjoyed the hell out of it.
Honestly, I can’t remember where I found that figure, but it’s considerably lower, around $10-50B/year in the US, and close to a trillion worldwide. That’s still a lot of money that could be doing a lot of good elsewhere.…
The Lion and the Cobra was a huge record for me as a kid, as was The Value of Ignorance VHS tape, which some kind soul has posted on Youtube. A powerful document of a fierce artist.
I know that few people are aware that a 44 year old Woody Allen propositioned a 17 year old Mariel Hemingway while they were filming Manhattan, a film at least partially inspired by any of several affairs Allen had with teenagers while he was in his 40s, meaning that, even if Farrow’s accusations are false, he’s still…
“Read the fucking book then get back to me.”
We’re not really talking about the book anymore, are we?
From the first link: “Students believe exposure to a wide spectrum of speech at college is important; Students favor college policies that limit racist speech, but support for other speech interventions remains low;…
“google the following: students demand censorship and students self-censoring.”
Lots of opinion and analysis, very little reporting. There are, of course, lots of examples of censorship actually happening at the state level in red states like the one where I live.
Even what headlines that do loudly proclaim “Students…
Buuuuut people can eat those things, right? And use them to live?
Now, what did Bradley Cooper ever do to y’all to wind up sandwiched between those two rotten sex pests?
I’ll cop to some internet snark, but no condescension intended. You said, “I’m glad you’ve found CBT useful, but it leaves me wondering why you would still be in favor of excusing college students from hearing ideas they oppose,” and my answer was, in essence, the mere existence of cognitive behavioral therapy is not…
Thus Spoke Zarathustra is not used as a cudgel in 21st century policy debates. That said, I have read that one, and you’re not missing much IMO.
Not going to touch on the book any further, except to say that my figures on the databases came from the databases themselves. I’d encourage you to take a look yourself if…
NWA was punching up, Aldean is punching down. It’s not that difficult to parse.
“I’m glad you’ve found CBT useful, but it leaves me wondering why you would still be in favor of excusing college students from hearing ideas they oppose.”
Obviously, no, he’s nothing like Matt Walsh. I didn’t intend to tar them with the same brush, only to say that the argument (“if one hasn’t read the book, one is unqualified to discuss it”) is equivalent to the reasoning often applied by advocates of those other, shittier works.
The central premise of the book is well known, and has been hashed out over and over again in popular discourse since the original article was published in The Atlantic in 2015. One does not have to peruse 350 pages of anecdotes in a pop science book to understand it’s conclusions, or to take issue with them.
While I…
Catching up on the comments here (while binging news and reviews of Succession after finally finishing last night. I’d recommend taking a listen to this podcast ep about The Coddling.
Fair enough.
Sincere question: Has anyone ever decided to go see a movie based solely on an interview with one of the stars?
Typically these (meaningless) honorifics stick forever. Elvis is the King of Rock and Roll, MJ is the King of Pop, Aretha’s the Queen of Soul, etc.
they always seem overly dramatic.