I haven’t seen either Grinch film, so I’ll have to take your word for it that that happens in the 2018 film. I don’t know, I guess you’re correct? But I fucking hate it.
Let’s at least agree that “threequel” is unacceptable under any circumstance.
I haven’t seen either Grinch film, so I’ll have to take your word for it that that happens in the 2018 film. I don’t know, I guess you’re correct? But I fucking hate it.
Let’s at least agree that “threequel” is unacceptable under any circumstance.
Sorry, this nit isn’t going to pick itself . . .
Sharon’s good people. Glad to see her doing so well.
Waterston and Sudol were the heart of the first two films, and if Waterston’s role is diminished, so is my interest. But, really, I’m out regardless. Fuck JK Rowling. She won’t get a penny from me. (Not that the first two installments had me clamoring for more, exactly.)
They thought they were witnessing a moment of redemption when they were witnessing masterful manipulation.
I think I got both sides of it, actually. My home was very peaceful, but growing up as a fat, slightly effeminate, loud-mouthed theater kid in the American South, I spent a good amount of time fending off bullies, while also dodging the fist fights that were prone to break out in the school halls at any given moment.
before accepting the award, accompanied by strings and percussion.
Dude, some of us just really don’t care for witnessing real life violence. Maybe you didn’t grow up in a setting where the threat of violence was constant, but for those of us who did, it doesn’t actually matter what the net worth of the participants are. We were hanging out, and someone hit someone else out of…
I want to be home. I wanna make music. I wanna play fuckin’ video games.
A reality TV show using selective editing to heighten drama and conflict? Now I’ve seen everything!
Damnit, there’s only supposed to be one woman in each movie!
You just got KINJAFIED!™
So, a law that tells a gay teacher that he can’t tell his students he’s married to another man under penalty of law is NOT censorship?
Yeah, it’s actually much worse than it sounds.
Burn Gorman as Bluhdorn is inspired (though I only know Bluhdorn from Bob Evans’ imitation from The Kid Stays In The Picture.)
God’s honest mission
Came here to say this. Can’t imagine making a video like that and at not at least mentioning Nancarrow’s studies for player piano. But then, there aren’t a lot of situations that I don’t think would be improved by mentioning Nancarrow’s studies for player piano.
Sorry if this is obvious to everyone else, but . . . If there are four records, one record each inspired by Weezer, Franz Ferdinand, the Strokes, and Elliott Smith, and this one “proves the band can still sound like the good old days,” then what reason do we have to believe that this is not, in fact, the…
More of a nitpick than an error, but try to rephrase the first sentence without saying “some kind of” twice.