This looks like fun, but why is everyone whispering?
This looks like fun, but why is everyone whispering?
I still marvel at the fact that Eddie Redmayne managed to parlay a small collection of ticks, quirks, and affectations into a thriving film career and a motherfucking Oscar®. Seriously, is he actually good in anything?
Try the Ma Po Tofu! It’s salty!
For the record, that is absolutely not a recording of Ray Parker, Jr.
This is a shitty take.
Feminine pronouns are frequently used for inanimate objects, including, but not limited to, vessels, nations, and news organizations.
Or is that the point, they’re telling non-Twitter users what’s going on with Twitter News?
Spiral Zone. The original show was kind of shit, but the premise scared the shit out of me when I was a kid.
This was a very good show. “Fighting Crime . . . in a Future Time.”
Please take a few minutes out of your day to watch this. It’s incredible.
Isn’t this the premise of The Gorburger Show? I never watched it, but “Puppet Alien Talk Show” rings a damn bell.
I don’t know, man. I’m pop culture obsessed (it’s right there in the masthead!) but this is the first I’ve heard of Rocket’s eff.
When will Gary Glitter fucking die, already?
Wait, who’s this guy? I wanna know more about this guy!
What if Kevin Bacon played Sebastian Shaw? Maybe THAT’S how we finally get the X-Men into the Star Wars Universe! That’s what we’re doing, right? Does Kevin Feige run Star Wars yet?
I mean, it’s kinda like Videodrome, but it’s EXACTLY like Existenz.
I enjoyed it, but I’m also a little bitter that it is almost certainly responsible for the cancellation of The Tick.
Nick Stahl deserves better than this shit. Suvari, too, honestly.
“I know these films are garbage, and that’s why I don’t watch them” essentially?
also known as Servant