
Your baby is probably a cat and you have to go watch catball games :)

lol omg I am so drunk right now

I had kids so they would take care of my in my old age bc then I don’t have to go on Medicare like you liberals, plus I don’t need “humor” I have a Child :)

You are so gross, I didn’t “kidnapp” it I am giving it food and air and water. What is Kinja?

His name is not Melvin it is Tyler Zachery. Stop acting like I am this big lez you are the childless one, so what does say (:

Not me....

He is also a model for Kids R Us, we are saving the money he makes to buy him a dirt bike. What are YOU Saving for, some fancy litter box for your cat?!?!?!

You barren women are ruining everything. I don’t agree with every single thing the Duggers say but that “Be fruitful and ye multiply” thing makes “Sense” to me, Miss “Common Sense” Too bad your all dried up

I didn’t really want this one but my bf made me ):

I was at the mall and took a child that looked identical to that one.