Oh god, you are hilarious!
Oh god, you are hilarious!
Most people would rather see a bare boob then listen to a kid scream. I certainly would.
If you wait, sometimes even ten minutes, you get mastitis. Mastitis fucking sucks. Also when you have a kid their crying triggers engorgement and milk flow- which hurts if there’s not a tiny hot mouth getting the milk out. Also it hurts a mother’s soul and is extremely distressing. Nature!
It has nothing to do with babies “starving.” As a matter of fact, I’m nursing my daughter right now (at home), but I have no qualms about nursing in public. I don’t use a cover, either (I’ve tried but she hates it and I’m not going to wrestle a baby who has my nipple in her mouth). And while sure, the baby CAN wait,…
The baby will just be crying for those ten minutes, nonstop. A baby’s needs and its wants are the same thing. Crying is their only form of communication, and they don’t understand waiting because they don’t understand time. So the baby won't starve, but you can't explain that to him, because he's a baby.
Crying? Wow. Mattel sure has stepped up the game with how lifelike their multicultural Ken doll is.
I’m distracted by all that recycling that should be taken out. But glad to know she’s as human as the rest of us.
Boys don’t make passes at girls who wear glasses.....................
How do I loathe thee comment, let me count the ways.................wait, I can’t count the ways as I’m bad at math..................nevermind. ;-)
On first read I thought it said “It’s just cause women are bad at meth ...” and I had to stop and think about that.
we don’t know how to use calculators
It’s just cause women are bad at math...everyone knows that...
So perfect...I have sick brain right now...I really, really enjoyed reading this.
the GOP let the horse out of the barn a long time ago but only now is closing the doors. Except it wasn’t really a horse, but a mangy goat covered in rotten marmalade who thinks he’s a unicorn.
I enjoy how, when it was pointed out that you were using the correct pronouns in your original post, you doubled down and began using incorrect pronouns, presumably because you are a huge gaping anus who somehow gained the ability to type.
Starred because I want everybody to see how you’re so desperate to spew ignorance that you took a tongue-first flying leap down here to the comments and didn’t notice that the article is about a male transgender student.
I have nothing but irritation about this. This poor kid. WE SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO PREVENT PEOPLE FROM PEEING!!!!
According to local news, Korryn suffered lead poisoning as a child, causing neurological problems and impaired judgment/impulsive behavior. Heartbreaking.
I’ll be 33 next month and I don’t even have a dishwasher or a balcony/patio so yeah I’m feeling great & no, I’m not crying. Who even wants a wants a range rover, they’re gross!