
He’s really not much of a character, period. His sole purpose is to dole out the most boring missions available in Fallout 4. The minutemen are a joke of a faction!

Yeah, I’d go even farther, and say that the “feminist” choice is not even necessarily the “right” choice every time. People’s lives are complicated! Sometimes what’s right for me is not something that also happens to resist the patriarchy. Luckily, feminism is not the kind of thing that requires a purity test.

So making your own decision is the non feminist choice? Fucking Christ.

Feminists make non-feminist choices every single day, though. I shave my legs and put on makeup and wear dresses and do all the laundry and the majority of the cooking. I wore white and danced with my father at my wedding. My husband proposed to me with a diamond engagement ring, and yes, I took his last name. I do

I wish I could have done this too. But my maiden name is difficult to spell and pronounce, was a constant burden, and is from a family I don’t particularly like. So I was happy to take my husband’s name. But it was still a thoughtful decision. I do wish couples made decisions about names based on their individual

Noted. Don’t click on political articles in the future. Everybody wins.