I posted this is in the initial AHCA post, but there were 600+ comments so I’m sure it got lost. I just wanted to share my experience today in DC because it was so utterly sickening:
I posted this is in the initial AHCA post, but there were 600+ comments so I’m sure it got lost. I just wanted to share my experience today in DC because it was so utterly sickening:
I don’t watch The Americans (I know I need to, and promise I will... one day) but how does she look exactly the same as she did on Felicity almost 20 years ago?
Easily the most under-appreciated, under-watched Peak TV type show she never we started saying things like Peak TV. It’s so good in every possible way
I don’t know how to be funny about how deeply I’m in love with Keri Russell by herself, Matthew Rhys by himself, and…
Just a friendly reminder that we had 33 hearings into Benghazi and millions of dollars spent over several years which turned up nothing. Now they’re circling the wagons to protect foreign intervention into our election (which all intelligence agencies agree happened). Republican hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Sean Spicer just said in the daily press briefing that the WH never tried to do this. Which I’m sure is 100% true, just like everything else the WH says. /s
I still day dream about the Trump-Russian connection being found out, and the Supreme Court ruling that the election has to be done over. Oh, and Trump gets put on trial in this scenario.
-drinking and sobbing. Sobbing and drinking- it shoulda been you girl. It shoulda been you.
The fawning over this speech by the pundits is just vomit inducing. Van Jones just declared Trump’s shout out to the Yemen raid soldier’s widow one of the greatest moments in presidential speech history, and his ticket to being a two term president. I think his exact words were “He became president of the United…
I don’t care if 45 can sound less psychotic and less narcissist for an hour. He’ll be back to tweeting hot garbage at 6am.
President Reads off Prompter, Clears Lowest Bar.
“Frederick Dougie Fresh, a terrific guy. One of the best.”
Ok but back to the important part - how many abortions did you sell her?
I’m actually not going to fault security on that one. When in Rome etc.
Alt-hand job.
Oh, we know what you’re doing. We’re scared of what you’re doing. We’d like you to stop doing that thing you’re doing and bring someone like the nice smart gentleman that left the White House last week instead of this loudmouthed lying would-be-dictator you currently have.