Prose before hoes.
Prose before hoes.
The really funny thing is that sorta happens in game. Granted, it’s hallucinatory.
yeah well, that’s just like, your opinion, man
Karen Page, print journalist, is covering two monthly rents in Manhattan. I wish they wouldn’t lean so hard into the fantasy side of this property...
Just a coincidence. Ambien isn’t an opioid, people aren’t buying it only to get high.
Sure was a happy family show when their abusive father died in the first series. Or when Dan died. Or when any other number of grim and less-than-happy things happened on a sitcom that dealt with real human troubles.
Ah yes that famous community of liberals that definitely exists willing to battle over the good name of fucking ER.
I agree, early on. Although after the character redesign of the later seasons, Bruce and Batman sounded exactly the same. Seems like I read somewhere that the creators said this was an intentional choice to show Batman was becoming all-consuming, but I never really bought that. It would require Batman to be sloppy,…
B:TAS has the best voice contrast between Bruce and Batman (Fuck you, Bale-man), actually focused on his detective work more often than than his kick-punching, and presented the character and all his allies and rogues with such intelligence that it’s probably the genuine reason why so few fans have support for…
GTA 4 is a retro GTA game now. Post 9/11 hysteria and *reggaeton* on the radio?
I had to suffer it, now everyone has to suffer it.
Saw the trailer for the HD rerelease of Onimusha yesterday, and thought, “man, it’s been 17 years.” Then realized that’s about the length of time between Onimusha’s release and the original Super Mario Bros.
Well Mrs. Claus was kind of being a bit of a hag and the elves were pretty annoying. What I'm saying is, as a married father of three I can relate to Santa.