
So nobody thought they should test Yo Yo’s new arms with her super speed? Not Fitz or Simmons or Yo Yo herself considered that might be an issue? I was thinking about it from the jump, but I’m a weirdo that way. But clearly a pretty glaring issue set aside for the plot point. Which was ultimately not much of one.

Never forget.


How about a Nathan Fillion-Christina Hendricks reunion?

I figure Fitz will have to stay behind and sacrifice himself, since he’s from this timeline; if everybody else returns to the moment they left there should still be a Fitz there waiting for them, right? But wait, since he’s from the timeline where the Earth gets destroyed, then how was he not there for it? But he

Tonight: Comfort and Joy, Holiday Knights, Bad Lieutenant.

I’ve read numerous articles with similar criticisms of 7, but I love it. Always thought they should’ve refined the partial 3D in the next go, but everybody hated it so they reverted to side scrolling for the final X game. I’ve tried the Zero and ZX games but I don’t like the art and they’re a little too difficult for

It wasn’t great, I’ll give you that, but I disagree that it was all so terrible. I think the main issue was placement. Episode 6 ends with a hardcore cliffhanger as the demigorgons descend on the lab. OMG, what’s gonna happen, we gotta watch one more... and then we got this. If they’d swapped it and made this episode

Since I broke down and invested in the DLC for the Wii U version of Zelda, my plan is to wait til it’s all out and beat completely, THEN sell the Wii U to afford a switch and Mario. But man it’s gonna be a tough wait! I’m still working on tracking down the last korok seeds, fully enhancing every outfit, and there are

I remember really liking Punch Drunk Love. As for the rest... eh.

You win, McGregor!

I find much of what the author calls cringeworthy to be satisgyingly so. I find Jon Snow to be a good, right, honorable hero, warts and all, and Theon's flaws and mistakes don't make him particularly interesting relative to other characters. But hey, we all have our perspective. Every time I see that picture of the

"Then she litterally DROVE the lectern, and called it a podium! Unacceptable."

It seems perfectly smooth, so do Halo and lots of games, but they still cause me nausea. It sucks because I miss out on a lot of first person games, but i figure it also saves me money ultimately. I'm both eager and apprehensive to try real VR, I'm worried I'll be like the guy on Silicon Valley.

What I honestly would want would be 60 frames per second. I haven't ever gotten far in any of the Prime series, including handheld, because FPS games make me motion sick. Except for Call of Duty, which has earned my loyalty for that alone. I attribute the frame rate since it's the only major technical difference

Prepare the sides of farce.

But how does the kid feel re: turtles?

Didn't know it was approved for Irumodic Syndrome…

With friends like this…

I played five hours yesterday and only got through two shrines and a tower. Gotta get those hearts!