Usually, there’s nothing funny about the WBC. In this case though, it’s hilarious to imagine this intern who runs their Twitter trying to explain how he knows so much about the Pokemons to these virulent racists.
I tell myself that maybe in another generation we can get rid of these people and mentalities. But in the mean time, let’s keep Clefairy up top at Westboro.
The “recovered theft” look is big in Florida I hear..
“Where we’re going, we don’t need doors.”
Probably no more than the Renegade already has on.
should we take bets on how many warning lights this causes?
I’m glad you asked. It is $1,530,000.
As a former MTG player/fan, MTG is a giant scam. It’s no wonder why Shkreli is interested in it.
This is actually coming on the heels of a lot of high profile buyouts of competitive staples that are on the Reserved List. Cards like Moat, Lion’s Eye Diamond, Gaea’s Cradle, and City of Traitors were recently bought out by speculators with the intention of accelerating the natural tendency of Reserved List cards to…
Wondering that same thing about Hillary. Sometimes evil wins.
Cue paid CalvinBots: “He is the highest paid DJ in the World. Bleep blorp.”
Is this guy not in jail yet? Why is he not in jail?
Came here to say this. And hit him with “It’s still a good value...”
When he shows up to his first event, someone needs to have a hand-made IRS card to tap mid-match.
Hopefully someone sells him a card at 5 times the price it usually sells for. Guy is a shitbag.
Really excellent piece.