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    I gave up on it three episodes ago and nothing in this review or in the comments gives me any reason to resume. If this episode had some action or significant happenings it’s too little too late. It sounds obnoxious. The mega bitch setting up her prick of a husband hardly sounds like reason to rejoice.  With Serena

    Well, I’m sorry for my original idiotic reply to your comment. It wasn’t even really a response to what you said. I’m overly sensitive to remarks about boomers. I hardly ever wear mismatched shoes. I just feel that there are obnoxious people in every generation. On a brighter note, boomers should be dying off at

    Ye gods man  

    He probably has; his Depends just caught it. The thing will be how long can he go without a change?

    Oooo did the big, stwong Ph.D. get his wittle feelings hurt by that nasty ol’ boomer?  Why don’t you go have some milk and cookies and write another gweat big journal article and forget aaalll about it. 

    God I loved the first coupla seasons of that then it went to shit. 

    Marianne Williamson is a fraud who has no business being within miles of the White House.”

    Someone needs to say it-this post has been up way the fuck too long.  Guess it’s getting a lot of clicks. 

    Thank you. 

    Wait a second. Could you say a little more about Buttigieg and vaccines? Not that I would vote for him under any circumstances (well maybe in the presidential if it comes to it, followed by seppuku https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seppuku), but I’m always looking for more coal (clean burning and beautiful) to stoke

    Personally, I would not be adverse to such an outcome. 

    While I agree with you completely, I still say that listening to Orange for about five minutes would be sufficient to determine that he is a shithead unfit for the presidency. Maybe ten minutes to confirm that the first five minutes weren’t due to you having a nightmare or a psychotic episode. “Yep, someone that

    #ReparationsforWhites! (‘Cause we hurt too.)

    Beto gives me a boner, and since the president is probably not going to be able to do much short of keep another Nazi off the Supreme Court, I might as well vote based on pleasure. (Julian is kind of attractive, but Mayor Pete is a real dash of cold water; if you’re going physical, things are kind of bleak.)

    If we’d had Hillary in 2008 like I wanted, we wouldn’t be having a lot of these problems. But no. We had to have change you could believe in.

    But they don’t go!

    How come you’re not having that live blog thing?  Because you get more out of watching Gilligan’s Islannd, right? 

    When she speaks she is so far beyond all the rest (in my opinion) in articulating policy and expressing where the country needs to go that it seems that she’s is the obvious choice. (Of course I thought that in 2016 about Hillary vs Orange and see where we are.)

    I made a similar comment elsewhere but included possibly C-SPAN but then I’m a piece of shit so nobody saw it (or acknowledged it if they did). 

    It’s infested.