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    The idiotic, racist, hostile, stupefyingly horrible remarks have me about burned out too, but it’s the fucking impunity with which he makes them that’s gonna do me in.

    Eh, the people too. 

    I don’t know if anyone will see this but if ruined my morning It’s from CNN AS POSTED ON apple News where people from Michigan were interviewed This snippet is from one Grant Gaither of Warren, Michigan who is doing much better lately in the now booming Michigan economy:

    I read this. Is Daily Kos reliable? If so, this is demoralizing and sickening. Does Barr hate the country so much that he really wants to cooperate with Orange and cause so much potential damage?Meanwhile we have yammering about “the Squad,” outrage about idiotic racist remarks about Baltimore, toothless, endless

    Me too. Had a few notebooks myself. Oh boy. Little did I know it was the stuff of presidents. The weird thing was I thought I was thinking really clearly. Great for weight loss though. How come the president is such a fat slob?

    Yeah, I don’t think many people get to keep their private insurance after they retire, or if they do it’s expensive. (I for one do not.) If it’s provided for them fucking great. I assume after 30 years “Marcy” is retiring. Also, I would bet a lot that “Marcy” is an actor.

    Say, now that the federal death penalty has been brought back might we see the “president” fry for something? They could nail him for some crime or other even if it was only a trumped up charge (so to speak).

    I was gonna make a lewd comment about what he needed to help improve his attitude along the lines of what you just said but I …. Aw the hell with it. He needs a good one up the ass and he wouldn’t be so crabby.  (Can you say that here?). Maybe hose buttery males I saw in another post?

    He should go back where he came from.

    Gotdayum (to quote another Splinter commenter). 

    It seems you can’t debate or compromise on reality. Hydrogen has one proton and 0 neutrons (http://www.chemicalelements.com/elements/h.html) and if someone insists differently what do you do?  Where do you think it ends-civil war, dark ages?  Die off of the offending group?  I would have thought technology and

    And actually NPR is pretty good;  maybe not brilliant either but to me better than the commercial networks and with minimal advertising (I absolutely will not watch network television because the advertising sends me into a murderous rage with its utter idiocy, obvious manipulation and lying, or all of that-except

    Maybe they should have the debates, if they must have them at all, exclusively on CSPAN.  I think news is like medical care; it should be not-for-profit. Of course while government could provide health care (such as Medicare for all), government-provided news hasn’t always gone well-wait, there’s the BBC-vs. say Faux

    Brave New World is fine by my ass. 

    Kiss his ass?  As I stated elsewhere, we’re in fellatio territory here. 

    This is the man who avoided charges, because as the Mueller report essentially indicated, was too stupid to know he was committing a crime?

    Jesus Christ. 

    I was thinking maybe he was stalling to run down the clock on some of these assholes’ turns at questioning.  However, I would not disagree with the other comments re: his capacity at his age. 

    Because Orange is more popular with the base than these congresspeople so it becomes a fellatio contest blah blah …. The only consolation is that their total lack of integrity will eat at their gut til they get stomach cancer (those that aren’t total whores and have no integrity in the first place-no offense intended

    Some celebrity couple that I can’t stand (which would encompass just about everyone so this doesn’t narrow it down) had their house saved by a private fire fighting company that they were wealthy enough to engage while the rest of the proletariat pieces of shit apparently had to watch their houses turn to piles of