

This sort of information is pointless at this point in the election cycle-we’re nowhere near the general and Bernie hasn’t faced any attacks from the Right. But, sure, let’s play the favorability game: Ted Cruz and Trump are even worse. So, you can blow that bullshit out your ass for all I care-Hillary is still

You keep on citing the Florida senate race on the idea that the DNC is funding a republican to block a progressive. Their funding Patrick Murphy, who was a Republican in 2011, but has been a successful Democratic congressman since 2012. He’s a little centrist for my tastes, sure I don’t begrudge him the party change-

No, that’s crap. The entire thing is really clear. She gets a small amount. The DNC takes their share. The rest goes to different races in different states. You are now officially making things up.

But, it’s not. It is literally for the down ticket candidates. They are supposed to do this. Don’t you want to see Bernie’s big revolution happen? It can’t happen without other progressives voting in favor of his ideas.

The DNC is the organization that funds down-ticket races, you blithering fuckwagon. Have fun weeping over your golden calf once April is over-or maybe you’re one of these pig’s asses who won't taint their delicate principles in the general election by voting for the Democrat, whoever it is? Enjoy your privilege, if

This is why his super delegate count is embarrassing. He’s been a democrat for like 20 minutes and hasn’t helped anyone and he needs to help other democrats win their races.

I have an opinion other than yours about Hillary, boo fucking hoo. Just because I don't think your golden calf is the Second Coming doesn't mean I'm ok with corporations buying favor with our government. And I settle because I think Bernie will lose, hard. And, I'm not in a position where I can afford to live in a

Ah, then you're ok with him not ever having any super delegates, regardless of how the primary goes? Because those are party of the Party, which you say he's not a part of, and you wouldn't be so hypocritical as to have that cake and eat it too, right?

Yup, and least we forget the ability of either Clinton or Sanders to advance their agenda hinges on enough down-ballot victories to flip the Senate (which is going to be difficult but not unimaginable) and making serious gains in the House. I know this doesn’t mean shit to Sanders and a good chunk of his supporters

You've made the assertions, I'm not responsible for doing your legwork for you. Don't be both lazy and condescending, it's tiresome.

We have the votes. You might notice that Hillary still has the majority of them? That's because she's still more popular-with average people-than Bernie. All that is beside the point, though. Bernie isn't funding down-ticket races. His candidacy in the general would cripple the Democratic Party in the general. If he

You realize money isn't inherently evil, yeah? But keep making assumptions about my opinions-you're the reason people don't like Bernie or his wild-eyed zealots.

Seriously, he is shooting himself in the foot. If he really wants to be President, he wants those down ticket candidates in the House and Senate. He won’t get anything done without more support in legislative branch.

It should be noted that the fundraiser is for the Hillary Victory Fund, which does help Hillary’s campaign, but also donates to down-ticket races. This sort of funding is usually vital for smaller Democratic campaigns, who cannot acquire enough funding on their own to be competitive.

Okay, I’m fucking sick of this. The “Democratic Party establishment” is not a thing to be reflexively opposed. The Democratic Party establishment elected Barack Obama. It got Sotamayor and Kagan (KAGAN!) appointed. It promotes marriage equality, abortion rights, racial equality, feminism, and a social safety net.