
Not to mention the one that stuck out the most to me, was the saving of the girl from choking.

I'm finding it interesting (just as an observation) that everyone kinda thinks that. I wonder if it's easier because she's a woman, so it's easier to believe that he'd be the aggressor.

Yes, I know that, as always there are two sides and the truth lies in the middle…but for some reason his felt more natural, where as in her version, his come-ons felt…over-done or something.

Did anyone else have a hard time accepting her version after seeing his?

I'm really saddened that Cinemax hasn't done more promotion of this. It's fucking brilliant. You'd think they'd be blasting it all over since it'd would mean subscriptions.


That's the way I watched it. I clicked on it in my Amazon Prime account and watched the whole first season in one go.

I'm with you…what the fuck happened? Season one was awesome.
This season has felt really forced, and they ramped up the ridiculous factor, which does it no favors.

What? They left out G. Washington? Damn.

I had a rather different take on that whole thing as noted below…
But I rather saw it from the smallest seed of a grudge aspect.

I took it to mean that the coins would take an grudge or resentment you held secretly and bow it up to the point of lethal rage.

The coin preyed on secret resentments, and escalated them into mortal rage, they didn't make people go after the ones they loved most.

"Just the tip, I promise"

My life paralleled yours in this.

It's certainly the biggest disappointment of the new season. I had hopes for this.

Mathilde and I were just having a conversation about SH vs Grimm a bit down thread.

Yes, they should keep that shit under their…headwear.

And then a nite cap at my place. I'll bring doughnut holes and we can play naughty games.

Yes, Monroe, thx!
Absolutely agreed…the two leads (Nick and awful wife/girlfriend) are much less talented, and are written almost totally devoid of humor.

He's a multitasky SOB, for sure. Now we know how Parrish finds the time for model making. It's in the genes.