
Abbie's ancestors go way back with Cranes…they're intwined so she was definitely predestined to be the second witness.

Second the motion.

I've often thought about the comparisons/differences in the two shows. I watched the first two seasons of Grimm, and while the first season was fun, it kinda missed the mark for me in later stuff.

Hey! That was a Rick and Morty episode.
Now I have to wonder at their inspiration. I think there even was a Spleen Mountain!

Well…there ya go. Skill doesn't equate to talent.

Hobby Lobby would *definitely* be aghast at men wearing hats indoors.

Yep…and add in Brooks and even Morales, they have an outstanding track record diversity wise.

I have to think so he could get to her (Abbie) being one of the two witnesses of the Apocalypse, before she was an adult?

Really? I hated that pilot. Talk about upper, upper, upper middle class douchebags with nothing to say.

Plus, I think their collective "Holy Shit" days are pretty much left behind.

Wikipedia confirms Abbie is older. I wondered too during the woods scene.

I thought that was a great way for him to get in there!
The humor in this show is just so awesome.

It's one more way that this show continually proves it's excellence in writing. The characterization is rarely telling us how these people feel, but instead showing us through how they interact.

One thing that I liked was the almost certianty that Jenny would be coming after Abbie, but… even in the clutches of the coin she turns against Reyes instead.

I have to agree, that whatever else can be said about Eph, the show itself had thumbs up almost across the board with reviewers at pre-launch, and was touted as one to *really* look forward to by bringing the evil back into vamps. It brought evil alright, just not in the way I think we expected.

I'm going to need hair implants too after that.

So they could insert his totally WTFBBQ commentary "I can't believe your mom kept these" like moms just throw away their kids birthday pics. Yeppers. This is a quality scene of expository dialogue.

I am so disappointed that kid dint get eaten by mommy. Like Damn. That stupid shit needs to die.

Preach. The "Gus stands out amongst teh humanz" thing was just fucking astonishing considering (within the realms of the show) that the Set and Fet gang were doing at least marginally better at even recognizing the scope of things

And for fucks sake, was there not another inhaler in all of Manhattan?
And while we're at it, five seconds after explaining how dangerous it is to be here, let's go pull out the photo album for some quality time..