Michael G

He’s floating so many despotic ideas into our political discourse it’s hard for me to see how America recovers from Trump’s time in office. There is now a huge base of support for these unconstitutional proposals and eventually someone smarter than Trump will be able to actually get some of these things passed into

Checks and balances haven’t saved us so far. Who’s going to check it? the republican house, senate, or the mostly republican state govts?

It’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard, but at least we now know someone taught Trump about Amendments. Those flashcards must be working!

I was gonna say “only if you want to shot minorities.”

I hear you can become one in less than three months!

This is just disgusting. It’s just another way to avoid responsibility for what they’ve done. You shoot somebody you’ve ruined more than one human life. How much money is spent on treating victims of shootings? How much money is lost if a victim is the main breadwinner of a family? What if the victim was a kid? How

wouldn’t it be far simpler to just become a cop, therefore making yourself immune from repercussions?