
oh man I just googled Dartmoor and it looks amazing!! so jealous

scones!!! I thought I didn’t like scones until I visited the UK and had proper scones... omnomnom.

I finally got to the beach for the first time this summer!  I’m not a huge beach person but I like to go smell the ocean breeze at least once a year :) 

That was my view, too -- why wait to see the world?  Also I’ve been to Cartagena and it was a dream!! So glad you got to see it! 

I saw All The Tourist Things! The best part was honestly all the walking tours -- the guides were amazing. Loved all of it.

I did the tour of the State Rooms and gardens at Buckingham Palace, which was amazing.  Westminster Abbey was overwhelming and amazing.  I also loved my day trip to Bath! Basically I loved All The Things. 

Ha yeah -- I’m lucky to be at a firm with people I really like and respect doing work that’s interesting! 

For sure -- focus on getting your bearings and briefing cases, but it won’t hurt to understand what you’re working toward. 

Yeah, the collective panic can be really draining. If you meet some nice people, study groups aren’t a bad thing, but they can get stressful if the people suck/are too competitive/whatever. I met a couple of nice people and enjoyed studying with them, even though I’m usually more of a work on my own type. I’m sure

No advice on the generational divide — I was one of the young ones in law school. But my best advice is that although law school kind of sucks, it bears no resemblance to being a lawyer, which is awesome. Do the reading, try not to pay too much attention to grading curves and rankings and the annoying know-it-all

oh man, that’s an ambitious itinerary!  sounds AMAZING!

Ahhh I want to nibble those cheeks! (In a non-creepy way, obvs.)

Ha. So where were you thinking of visiting?

I love love love Vancouver! So much fresh delicious fish and beautiful scenery! 

omg his majestic grumpy floofiness!!!

the whole US in a weekend? ;)  where were you thinking?

Those are most decidedly Very Good Dogs. :) 

Thanks everyone for your London suggestions — I had an amazing time on my first solo vacation! There were lonely moments, but mostly I loved the freedom to explore/relax/do whatever the heck I wanted at any given moment. I probably spent a little too much money but I work insanely hard and it was nice to enjoy the

came here to say this.  I was about nine years old when Oreos became certified as kosher.  that was a GLORIOUS DAY in my life.

I got SSSS on my boarding pass at Heathrow the other day and had to have literally everything I had with me swabbed for explosive residue... bleh.