
hello! law school class of 2013 here. I also struck out at OCI, but also knew in my heart that I didn’t want the BigLaw life. and you know what? things worked out really well for me. I clerked for two years and then found a boutique firm where I am super happy. so — there’s hope! there is fulfilling and good

hey! I have a best-friend’s-daughter-niece too!!! and I saw her today (she is still a baaayyyybeeee) and got some quality snuggles in. that is my good thing :)

Not gonna lie though. I’m a nervous flyer, and I’m currently sitting on an airplane (waiting at the gate about to take off) and the idea of flying during the eclipse is freaking me out.

Oh, he has been. He visited the David Letterman studio. That was his favorite part. He wanted to know if I had been to the David Letterman studio. He misses David Letterman.

ugh I know, I actually was thinking of you as a blue lady in a red state when I wrote that.

Oh gosh. I would likely do the same. Sending strength <3

It’s funny because my driver back at the end of the day was VERY anti-Trump and wanted to tell me that he would absolutely refuse to pick up any white supremacists ever. You’re right, politics seems to be a huge topic here.

hahaha Amy is smarter than all of us some days.

it me rn

sigh. I don’t think we drove through any houses, though he did point out many sights on the way downtown, and then tried to convince me to move here because “it’s better than NYC, we can drive everywhere!” — not realizing that not having to drive is like a super-duper plus for me.

I know! Everyone else I’ve interacted with on this trip has been SO polite! :) :)

That’s a thought. I felt like he wasn’t doing it to be malicious, he just really was curious to know my opinions on various things as a New Yorker, and (like us liberals in our bubbles sometimes) truly couldn’t conceive of anyone who disagreed with him.

omg that is the longest doggie tongue i have ever seen!!! <3

This was late, I was starting to worry.

what saturated cat said. they look like tourists to me but also backpacks are pretty normal here... are they not where you are?

except for the fact that we have always thought he was an awful idiotic douchecanoe, and we kept trying to tell the rest of the country how awful he was, but they only knew him from his gold-plated penis-lengtheners, and they wouldn’t listen :/

glad to see they’re getting along so well! also I just want to boop their noseys!!

I’ve been trying to incorporate some mindfulness into my coping skills. Like, “I am feeling anxious right now. It is not good or bad, it just is. This is a feeling I am having. It will eventually pass and I will have different feelings.” Easier to describe than to implement, but I’ve been getting better at it...

Here is a nice thing that happened today that made me feel better about America for a split second in the midst of everything:

It’s in the opposite direction — heading there tomorrow I think!