
Re the Black Ninja Burger...

I can't even. I just. Yeah, I'm done too.

Funny story: when I was in law school, I did a couple of moot court competitions. During one competition, my team was coached by this really awesome, older woman who'd been practicing for a while and probably went to school at the height of the second wave.

Big floppy slices of pizza with good sauce, good mozz, and a couple of toppings (pepperoni+ usually, olives or mushrooms) make me incredibly happy.

This is by far the most blatant "who owns your precious Star Wars? WE DO MOTHERF*CKERS! HA HA" moment from Disney since I laid eyes on those Minnie Mouse-as-Princess-Leia-in-the-gold-bikini prints at Star Trader in Tomorrowland.


I fought off outright insults and implicit attacks to my physical make-up — verbal jabs, dismissals, and off-the-cuff remarks that ultimately reminded me that my femininity, physical beauty, and overall appeal had been sized up entirely by my deficiency to hold up a particular idealized notion of womanhood.

It all started when an otter, apparently injured by a boat propeller, wandered into a burger place in Alesund, Norway, and began terrorizing the customers.

Maybe it's just the Quizno's locations near me, but their quality declined pretty quickly. I used to LOVE their subs. Primo meats and cheeses stacked on yummy bread and toasted to golden deliciousness? YES PLEASE.

Echoing what Mayati says. He also doesn't understand basic tort law. Not only does he not understand quid-pro-quo sexual harassment, he also doesn't understand "the legal complexities surrounding" (to borrow one of his stock phrases) agreement-and-release (i.e. consent) forms. Spoiler alert: they're not air tight!

I have a literal "food service industry horror story," but it's second hand.

If that's true, then that's just sad.

Buffalo Wild Wings has good wings, but my local outpost is always so crowded. Denny's used to have really good wings, until they stopped serving them.

Mmmm...head cheese! Tastes great in tortas.

No worries.

I spent 4 years flying back and forth between NYC and LA and this was my only in-flight meal:

A supposed sex tape supposedly featuring Marilyn Monroe with both JFK and RFK is about to be auctioned.

FWIW, Non-Stop passes the Bechdel Test because Lupita's and Michelle Dockery's characters (both named) have a short convo toward the beginning of the film about how much it suuuucks to be a flight attendant.