
Is Hellboy the new Batman? We get a new one every few years now? 🤔😂

I just want a way to filter out all the reality TV garbage, so it’s easier to find the good HBO-quality movies and shows that we subscribed for in the first place.

There’s a directors cut out there, somewhere, when the funeral cart gets stuck in the mud, the whole thing topples over, and Jahaerys’ tiny little head goes rolling down the cobblestone.

What’s your favorite Donald Sutherland role?

The show “covers” that in an implict way. Just before cutting (heh) from the scene where Daemon gives them the order, one of the thugs asks of him something along the lines of “what happens if we can’t find him (Aemond)?”

will they stop autoplaying previews when i stop over a show/movie? that shit is annoying and while I CAN turn it off, that setting doesnt seem to apply to all versions of the app and should not be the default in the first place.

Detmer (the red head with the cyber eye) and Owosekun (the other person at the conn) both left to pilot the ISS Enterprise back to drydock. It’s very weird they aren’t back yet.

Oh yes, but let’s have a second fucking season of fucking Velma. Stupid assholes.

So it’s no longer a little black spot on the Sun today, and it is not the same as yesterday?

Just give me a damn classic start menu/taskbar without having to use a third-party mod.

Dark Matter! Squee!

I have literally never done this except on misbehaving apps.

Note the term “Rideshare” as well.

The entire experience was geared around zero tipping, originally. 

Given that it’s on Tubi now instead of MAX tells me all I need to know about what was intended for the series. Primed for a bloodletting by being under Zaslav’s watch.  At that point I’m sure Nolan and Joy had to just walk away and creatively dump it someplace in case it does well for Tubi, but I don’t see it coming…

Translation: We want Apple to pay us to develop this app and we are going to crap on the vision pro until they pay us to mitigate our risk. fucking stupid is that? It’s basically a dressed up PC in a Mac Mini form factor. I was going to fork over cash for it when I though it was a chubby little Mac/PC hybrid with a little screen. What a missed opportunity.

If he dies before it’s completed, they need to

You got Curiosity, but not Spirit? The subject of the second-saddest cartoon ever? (The first saddest one is about the abandoned Christmas gift kitty.)

Don’t forget Project Orion!