
Since trailers and previews are notorious for giving away too much, I absolutely and resolutely avoid watching them for any movie or show that I plan to see.

Deep Rising should be compared to 1989's pair of movies with similar plots: Leviathan and DeepStar Six, the plots of both of which are “the crew of an underwater base disturbs a sea monster with horrifying results”.

Mockingjay Part 1 was mostly just Katniss, looking at things:

• Why was it so important HRG not remember the twins or the big plan? Because then Erica could use an Evo to pull the information of where the twins are hidden out of HRG.

Or, it was all a scheme to get Brian to find the NZT doctor so Sands could kill him.

Space: 1999

How about a sequel that followed Nolan’s adventures across the galaxy?

I’m still trying to figure out what Kevin wished for at the end of the last season.

Since Eichorst was cut-off from his funds, shouldn’t Setrakian have won the auction for $1? Or his initial bid, if you’re feeling generous.

Maybe the new Westworld will be under a dome.

We did learn two things from this episode:

Close captions say:

And it was an episode of Haven.

I beg to differ with the other commenters: from what I remember, Gateway was excruiatingly dull. Wasn’t almost the entire story waiting for the main character to get up enough nerve to actually do something?

I am suspecting, Mr. Dome, that you have a secret talent. Such as, being able to project a scene on the inside of yourself? Because if that were true, then the episodes big event could be literally all for show.

I don’t understand that shot either. What was the significance supposed to be? Was it the cell phone?

At the time, radiation was considered beneficial for health, killing off disease while giving people strength and vitality. Today, we realize that’s not true.

The show reminds me of the 2007 British series Cape Wrath (broadcast as Meadowlands on Showtime in the US).

This is a fun demonstration of inertia.

Alien broke two genre stereotypes: