What does that matter? The girl didn’t want to be pregnant
What does that matter? The girl didn’t want to be pregnant
What, no tip of the hat to Phyllis Schlafly by these grifters? She invented this shit, leaving her husband at home with the kids while she went from city to city and podium to podium, explaining how it was a woman’s job to stay home and look after the kids.
“Every ill that we are fighting right now in society has been brought forth by women.”
Republicans are the American Taliban. These people are ruthless zealots and must be stopped.
Exactly. I much more left than Biden but honestly he has done fine considering the insanity of the GOP. Yes, he does have the slower speech of an older man but I personally don’t think he has any mental deficiencies. I just haven’t seen it.
Came here to say this. All these republicans complaining about how a senile old man just outsmarted them. Like... maybe you should think about that?
I love how President Biden is (in the minds of MAGA morons) simultaneously a dementia-addled puppet reading off of cue cards and a criminal mastermind overseeing an international money laundering ring of pedophiles.
If he lacks the mental faculties to be President how come half your party is bitching about he just jobbed them in negotiations? Think long and hard about that, you fucking idiot.
Oh that’s cute, the troll wants to accuse me of being a bigot and saying that this bitch can’t read because she’s Hispanic. No fool, I’m saying she can’t read because she’s a right-winged idiot. You’re the only one who mentioned her ethnicity, pendejo.
Yet over 68% of Cubans backed fascist DeSantis last November.
And the best way to show her opposition to communism is to shove her beliefs down someone else’s throat and make them read what she wants them to read.
I think she’s actually Cuban but... still, you ain’t wrong. She believes herself to have that power.
How is this bitch going to be involved in her kid’s education of she can’t fucking read?
A functionally illiterate person’s complaint about a book she admitted she didn’t (more like COULDN’T) read merited the blacklisting of the writings of a Harvard graduate.
How is this bitch going to be involved in her kid’s education of she can’t fucking read?
authorataitve religiosity and excessively strict socially conservative values, would be my guess. i have seen that with some friends of mexican heritage, no reason to follow republicans, but super conservative social views.
The best part is that someone in greys will use the outdated Lincoln freed the slaves, but will look over the whole southern strategy.
I will never be able to wrap my mind around the concept of a Black Republican. Can there be a deeper path to self-loathing than THAT?