
Indirectly to the troll. You’re a racist, pathetic sack of skin. You think your other posts won’t find you? Dismissed.

My daughter just left FloriDUH because she’d had it with their educational policies. Her daughter is due to start kindergarten in the fall and she is not having her start school in that benighted place.

All the chodes who are pushing all the LGBTQ+ hate will be celebrating this.  They won’t see “amazing goodwill ambassador gives up on our state because we’re assholes” they’ll see “we drove out one of THEM, let’s keep it up until we get rid of them all”.

If guys like this had to pay fair market rates for not only housework and childcare but also to have someone sleep with them, they'd realize half their income was a bargain. 

“Take half” is code for “I don’t want to pay child support and alimony, and I don’t want to marry a woman who can support herself either because then I wouldn’t have 100% control of the rest of her life.”

I think the key word is “conservative”. This is exactly the type of stuff that gains wide traction on conservative media and excites the frothing GOP base to vote in a primary.

Clearly? What is your basis for that. I put a link in my comment. You should read it and try learning a thing today. The evidence that transphobia is a winning issue is basically non-existent, and it is long past time for supposed liberals to stop giving into this bullshit, because it only fuels conservative efforts

We need to make sure people know that’s what the GOP thinks, though. It’s terrifying, and we need as many people as possible to understand that they’re looking for people to hurt, and we can’t let them get away with it. If we stay silent because we’re afraid of accidentally amplifying their message, that’s not good.

Well it clearly is though, transphobia is alarmingly common even among those who consider themselves to be opposed to conservatives

Targeting abortion is a losing issue, but targeting trans people—a small subsection of the American population—has apparently been deemed a winning conservative issue.”

10 people on Twitter really care about this.  Nobody else does. 

“Look at me. I’m still nailed to the cross.”

Bored with this story and with her. Clark won’t take her bait. Biden apologized. Maybe she can find a dog to pee on her shoes and say it was racism.

I mean I don’t think he has a choice but to do something... the whole point of him doing this was grandstanding about his ability to “stand up to woke corporations” and the narrative going around now is that he just got totally pansted by The Mouse. And the actual committee members already whined about [Trump hand

I’d bet good money that Disney has had this specific action ready to go for decades. Just one of many contingency plans for various possible eventualities.

Even if this does go to the Supreme Court, that’s a year or two down the line.

Like wtf did these fascists think they were going to do on the board, approve scripts? Cancel shows, movies and casting direction? Like seriously what power did they even think they were going to have?

The GOP is playing an old game in a world. This is the Big Tech world of Millennial, Gen Z, Social Media, LGBTQ world and the GOP is still selling Christianity, Bigotry and Reagan era policies to the minority voters in the south. That’s why there was no red wave. You’d think they would have changed their strategy by

What’s even dumber is he’s going to “investigate” the move...just walk away, man. You got your “W” with your handpicked board of friends. You already took a victory lap. Just let your buds meet up for a nice dinner every once in a while, act like they’re in charge, and everyone goes about their business.

Right? How many Republican lawmakers have changed the rules on their last days when a Democratic regime was coming into power? This is pretty genius really.

I love it. These right wing chuds have been doing the same things for decades and are now clutching their pearls on their fainting couches because someone did it against them.