
Anyone who somehow expects Madonna not to do the weirdest and often least attractive thing didn’t live through the boob-cones of Vogue or her wretched cowgirl phase for Music. She has never given a shit about how she looks, only about iconoclasty. That said, for people who are trying to look their “best” (whatever

I don’t think she’s auditioning.

Jackie Kennedy was the mother of the up and coming vice president, John F. Kennedy, Jr., of course!

There it is, I knew that red cape look was familiar

The yellow one gave me a Romy and Michelle vibe, but yeah...

The Kennedys were all liberal (for the time) but whatever.

I agree with the article, but you have to wonder whether they know who Jackie Kennedy was married to/sister-in-law of. Maybe this is a sign that deep beneath Ron DeSantis’s cold evil heart lurks the progressivism of a civil rights crusad-

Victim-shaming is never worse than when perpetrated by fellow women. I was bullied into giving birth to my daughter Julia. I shouldn’t have to explain to other women why I refer to Julia as unaborted. Real women know without being told.

Any fellow woman who would shame me or demand explanations from me is no different

For me post has been fine. I followed Ken White (popehat) over from Twitter, and some of my other Twitter faves are there too. If you go there not knowing anyone then yeah, it’s possible that it’ll be boring. But if you went there because people you enjoy are there then it’s really good. Same w/Mastodon.

Honestly, in BTB they also deconstruct how there is NO world championship of kickboxing; Tate basically won some on the amateur circuit (and lost 3 of 5 big matches, too, apparently) and so calls himself the second-best kickboxer in the world because there’s no real way to ever be/not be that guy. 

He is very popular with gamers, and the gaming set, which is probably a reason why he has influenced so many young men. A day before the Greta tweetback (bless her), a whole conversation blew up in twitch chat about this man with one half defending him and the other half calling him out on his misogyny, this on a

He wrote a whole book? It never occurred to me that he’s ever read one.

“bragging about being such a fierce newborn infant that he frightened the doctor”

Seriously...I had no clue about, or who this dude was prior to his attempt to clown Greta Thunberg, but noticed a lot of people kind of worshiping him in their defense for him and just had to shake my head, because it was easy to tell he was one of those fake masculine types.

LOL I listened to that too. I liked when he was bragging about being such a fierce newborn infant that he frightened the doctor. That’s one insecure douchebag right there.

Mustard is awful. I can’t even imagine how anyone can eat it. It’s the only food that I can’t even force myself to eat. Mayo is bad, but mustard is so much worse. 

Note to self after reading through comments: Try to find a different way to communicate how disgusting mayo is without making reference to the devil and/or spunk.

“If you scrape the mayo off my bread like a lazy asshole, I still know it’s there. I can still taste it contaminating my meal. I can feel it infecting my body...

Which of the five sauces are you referring to? If you mean Hollandaise, I don’t know anyone who would use mayo for this *shudder*

Drew I am right there with you, I cannot pull away from a fast food drive through without ripping open my sandwich and confirming it is not contaminated and if it is I march right in and demand a new sandwich. I fought with a lovely Caribbean woman on my honey moon when they refused to bring me a new burger without