It’s on the Getty Images site, along with a bunch of others, photo credit to Regine Mahaux.
It’s on the Getty Images site, along with a bunch of others, photo credit to Regine Mahaux.
You are very much not alone.
Meanwhile, in Trump Tower, Melania and Barron prepare for his nightly rubdown with her caviar body lotion.
This is why any time someone said how John Kasich was the moderate in the Republican presidential race and had that “Midwestern Nice” thing, I wanted to clobber them. Kasich hides a lot of venom behind that aw-shucks veneer.
Love you, Martha, but I’ll pass. Mayo is vile. Butter adds a sweet richness. Mayo is stinky, greasy and gross.
Another “Look! SQUIRREL!” diversion, something the Trumps love. Instead of us and the press focusing on Donald’s awful cabinet possibilities, like a guy who profited from Bernie Madoff’s thievery getting his hands on the treasure to a vouchers-and-charters cheerleader getting the opportunity to destroy public…
Not sure what kind of drunk Fred was, but Donald’s late brother was an alcoholic. Also, Donald is such a control freak he may not want to drink because he’s terrified of not being in complete control.
How could anyone think locker rooms are sexy? They’re hot, humid, smelly and crowded. It’s like being trapped in a dirty, sweaty gym sock.
Great piece, Dave.
These are the women who stood by their men when rape victims were shamed, when feminists were demonized, when poor women and working women were blamed for just about every possible social ill. They based their feeling of superiority on being white, conservative, straight, Christian, and deferential to men, and now…
Christie would totally want to be Trump’s consigliere. Rudy, I think he’d go for either homeland security or defense. Those two is where he could funnel rich government contracts to his fatcat buddies.
Weasels gonna weasel.
I put it in the garbage after the first reading. My idea of a happy ending would have been “Cannie and everyone around her dies in a fire.”
Realized it was fake. Brain working in Monday mode.