
They went all Girl with the Dragon Tattoo right at the beginning there.

Was that Bradley Cooper's dad?

I don't think that it is even a SIM card issue. I think the bug is related to the phone searching for signal, and he was just manipulating the SIM card force the phone to search for signal over and over until he could replicate the bug. You could probably do the same thing if you where able to control the phones

Most bugs like this are discovered by accident. This was probably a perfect storm situation where he was in an area with spotty cell coverage and performed a seemingly normal action which produced an unusual result, after which he then tried to replicate and find the cause of the bug.

The idea of a new amphibian species is... Inconceivable!

Instead of prestiging and losing all my stuff, I have decided to challenge myself to rank up each gun to it's maximum, which as it turns out, is quite the challenge indeed, especially for the shotguns and sidearms. Most people have one of two that they use all the time, and then they just ride those to prestige town,

Link's no good but I found it. Looks cool, thanks for the tip.

I would be interested in a blog or website featuring video game and movie boxart, both good and bad. Anyone know of anything like that?

"Oh, it's a planet of them. That explains THESE apes."

I've never really considered the idea of plants going extinct until just now.

Yes, this is only my opinion. Many times people state that something is good or bad as though it were fact, such is human nature. I usually try stop before doing it myself, but sometimes it just slips through.

Heard a lot about this show, so I decided to check it out while they were doing their preseason marathon on AMC. By the 3rd episode I had seen enough and got really bored with it. To be honest, I've never been much of a fan of the zombie genre to begin with, but I was expecting something on par with Breaking Bad and

I am about to get this after playing COD for the past 3 months, and from the looks of things, I am going to get pwned.

Eggs! Eggs are in chocolate cake!

I'm sure this has already been said, but all you have to do is double tap the blah blah blah... we get it people. Move on.


Holy shit! I must have tried to do that steel mill AR thing like 75 times. That just wasn't right.

By my count, Windows 8 seems to be the 9th version of Windows just going by the image above, and that doesn't even include 95 and ME which are not on the list.

I have to say, I like this quite a bit.

Stay in school.