Cass Lopez

Wow! This really is the gift that keeps on giving. I make one tongue in cheek comment and guys fall over themselves continually to tell me, a perfect stranger how classless they are. What is it with you guys... is it sexual or something?

You can use one as small as 256mb to create a Windows password reset disk. Simply go to user accounts and select create a password reset disk with your sd card inserted. After you're finished tape it underneath your laptop and forget about it till you forget your password.

It's okay to say wait staff and others rely on tips to eat because of their low wage situation and I'm in complete agreement. I'm in the fortunate position of being able to tip generously and I do if the meal/drink has been at least average. However, not everyone can afford a tip. They want to eat at a restaurant -

I come from NYC where if there was a jar on the counter it was for a local charity (apart from Dunkin' Donuts who always kept it for themselves). Here in Florida tip jars are all over the place and charity jars are few and far between. In the kind of situation where a jar can be left on the counter (i.e. one in which

I don't think cash or card matters because wait staff are assumed by the IRS to earn a certain amount in tips depending on the type of establishment.

But while ever you and others (myself included I guess) keep tipping them their employers will hold back on paying a decent wage.

So... don't use it then?

Hey, sorry I just saw this comment.

There is a really long answer to this which I'm not going to give but one of the short answers is 'whose lives?'

Well your original question was directed at crunkmonkey who moved from Vancouver to Calgary, not Brownstar

I think this is an issue the industry and us users are going to have to get to grips with eventually. This data that is being mined belongs to the person. They can sign it away when they use an app, a website or some service but it is the property of the individual and companies using/stealing it need to be made to

Two or three responders, including myself cited English news sites. This is odd when you read about what's happening over there with their press. Apparently it's the most rabid and unscrupulous free press in the world - and we think it's good compared to our own. What does that say for CNN?

Well conservative is good if you're a liberal. The focus of the article is finding a challenging viewpoint, not a balanced one. Although balance would be nice you can dispense with it if your challenging source is trustworthy - that is it is reporting the truth but with a slant that isn't what you usually read.

Which is funny because seeking alternative viewpoints is what the article is about.

Disconnect! Calgary and Vancouver are both in Canada. He said he moved from one to the other so it's obvious he's been to Canada - he lives there. Or am I missing something?

Well the original post wasn't looking for balance as much as looking at things from an alternative point of view. I think you'd be hard put to find a source that is balanced outside of the aggregators like Google News. What you need in a news source - of whatever flavor is trustworthiness. I don't think anyone would

Yeah, even John Boehner seems to have finally seem the light.

Alan, check the last sentence of your main article

You can do this almost by rooting and installing CM10.2. Go to and find easy instructions. CM lets you set long press on the back button to do this.