Cass Lopez

What would be really great is if a cell phone manufacturer incorporated some kind of fingerprint reader on the front of their phone which was tied to you only. That way even if your phone was stolen no one could get into it short of cutting off your fingers.

Comment was from last year before this whole thing was widespread

Comment was from last year before this whole thing was widespread. That's the problem when lifehacker repost articles, no one ever reads the date of the original post before hitting the reply button

That's not Microsoft Outlook the Office app

I've always said you needed a better tool.

I just clicked on Plagiarism Checker to see what this was all about. Maybe I'm missing something but why can't you just use Google or Bing?

" it saves me from the possibility of getting punched"

I think the other poster meant s/he needed to stream from a phone to chromecast. Not sure because I don't have one.


Look at the date of the post, the info was timely when I wrote it. Time moves on

Look at the date of the post, the info was timely when I wrote it. Time moves on.

The problem is Time moves forward and your code expires. Why don't you take a leaf out of Time's book and move forward yourself?

Oh no not again! Please ignore my comment with the big coverage map. It's from the original post and was timely and accurate then but a year is a long long time in the world of technology and the industry has moved on; please move along with them. I get more comments every month about this comment than anything else.

Actually I missed the question mark off the end of every sentence there. I meant to be offering the most common reasons for the poster to choose from.

People are more fascinated by what I put in my mouth than what I do with my vagina - yes I know there are intersecting sets there (AB). I stopped eating meat for good when I saw the Alex Baldwin short "Meet your Meat". I don't care about the politics behind it - I just don't want to be a party to that. Although I'm

I made it easier for my colleagues by letting them know on their first encounter. I had a coffee mug in the lunch room that said "Kari (that's my name) likes girls." I had a variety of t-shirts for DDF with various gay slogans. No one never needed to ask and everything was cool. The most awkward part was having an

Or... imagine you're a straight guy and you go to a party at a friend's house and the other guests are all gay men. Do you go along with the local 'norm' and flirt or do you say "sorry I'm straight" in an apologetic tone. This is how gay people are in a sexualized environment such as this and in the wider world.

This is the most recommendations I've ever seen.

That's okay but if you are gay and you want to date you have to let your proclivities be known so that people don't make the common assumptions.

The main problem with sexuality as I see it is you can't tell by and large someone's sexual orientation by just looking at them.