Cass Lopez

1. They think we know something they don't know.

When I give out my name I see people look at me and think there's no way she's Hispanic and they're right - my husband is though but no one ever thinks anything off the straight and narrow

Yeah, it gets better... I'm totally and absolutely non-religious too, like I find all these god-fearing meddlers tiresome. So people look at me and think "well she's gay, doesn't eat meat, and she's godless!!"

Yeah. I think on similar but not identical lines. I think anyone is entitled to have any view they like, bigoted or not, that's what makes us individuals. The world would be a sorry place if everyone thought like I dodo. However if you publish those views then you must accept that anyone who reads them has the same

Not quite sure I understand your second sentence but didn't I say he's entitled to his way of thinking?

"Supposedly"? I think you just made our case.

No they stay that way so as not to get beaten up by the likes of you

But you're okay when your girlfriend puts your dick in her mouth and blows you. Nothing disgusting there.

You are entitled to your opinions and feelings just like everyone else however if you publish those feelings while laboring under the misapprehension that anal sex is exclusively the preserve of gay people then you risk making yourself look very stupid as well as a bigot. There are many heteros who like anal sex,

Gay person here, bisexual actually not that it matters. I never made any secret about the fact I like girls as well as boys but to me it was always whenever it comes up in conversation like when you express your taste for tea instead of coffee. It's great for fending off unwanted male suitors with a "sorry I prefer

OK. Imaged removed. You had enough time.

I don't mind the naked pictures, I do it all the time. I'm more concerned about the leakage of data from one service to another. I try really hard to get along with Google but they keep spoiling things.

I'm gonna guess the mold needs oxygen to reproduce. When you open the pot mold spores will settle on the surface, you put the lid on and have new air and new mold spores and cream - probably mold heaven. If you then turn it upside down the air floats to the top but the mold is swamped by food and stays at the bottom

I'm that one person you remember the morning after that wild party.

Don't know about Zuck but Gates... he can code. Man, he can code like he breathes.

Yes but they're the wrong kind of friends.

Do it. Now.

I kinda expected this so I pulled out one from the same series of shots. This is all you're getting.

I don't mind so much the picture being publicly accessible as much as there seems to be leaks between Google's various services. I take more than reasonable precautions to guard my privacy and each time I try to like Google something like this happens. I like android phones so I have to interact with Google to some

The photo in question was emailed from my phone at least once to another gmail address. That user photoshopped it (to enhance one or two things) and emailed it back to my regular email which I picked up on my android phone. I downloaded it to my phone's DCIM folder and from there it was uploaded (again) to G+. It was