Adblock plus is not the benign force for good you think it is. It has the distinct potential to cost you a lot of money.
Adblock plus is not the benign force for good you think it is. It has the distinct potential to cost you a lot of money.
Got this one?
I hesitate to think where you swipe the card!
You only need to do the second, simpler server part if you want to hook up your android device. W7 already can act as a client.
Hey moonie shouldn't you be in church getting saved?
Do a system restore point before you start.
Moon, you can try the method outlined here but it's not MS approved and I personally have no knowledge of what is being done. It looks like it ought to work but that's one hell of a hack!
No problem. This isn't the first time this confusing mistake has been made. The server connectivity is what lets them charge $100 more to businesses for Pro.
Lifehacker won't help... they don't know how to. Check this out…
No you are wrong. Remote desktop connection is available on premium and that is what you have but you need remote desktop server to use the android app and that is only available on pro and up.
Then at some point IIS was installed. It's not the default for home premium.
Would you mind translating this into English when you have half an hour free?
Don't use the blank password option. Just don't. This patch messes with system files - don't trust the included unpatch - make a restore point before you use this and remember the unpatch won't work if you do a disk cleanup or use scannow or some other similar utilities. And you need to be an admin.
If you like Windows 7 but for some obscure reason want it to look like Windows 8 here's a comprehensive list of things you can do to give your OS a sex change, that is it might look like Windows 8 but it's still Windows 7 once you look inside.
Famous kinja duplicate post
You need 7 pro.
The much maligned Google Wave held the promise of a secure email protocol good enough to replace the current dog's breakfast we all use now. After its closure was announced I and a few colleagues tried to buy the product from Google. Unfortunately we were outbid by Apache by quite a sizeable margin and for why? They…
My main concern is that this, and other similar features should be off by default. The reason they're not is because no one would turn them on - you don't gain anything by doing so and the site wouldn't make any money off you, so they're on by default. I don't in principle object to ads on sites - I like free internet…
Alan is the best. But when any of the writers create a well researched comprehensive piece it's so much better than when they just republish someone else's stuff.
I'd like to disagree with you pleasantly i.e. not trying to start an argument. First I don't think Google are doing everything they can to alert users because at least one user (me) hasn't been emailed. You know the score with email... you write once and send to many; it's the spammers' business model so there is no…