Kinja verified dupe post.
Kinja verified dupe post.
You can turn individual permissions for android apps off using this method… which I posted a week or so ago. Powerful feature if you want my opinion.
That's what I was waiting for someone to say. I haven't received an email yet. I found out from this site and went to change it but it was already unchecked. Probably because I've locked Google out of just about everything I use them for where possible. My main Google use is my android phone, Google music sub and the…
I told you to lay off the zombie sex, it's not good for you.
So, you have to open up I don't. I search from the address bar in my browser and any way it's set to use Bing. And I have a Google plus account because I thought it was a good way to automatically upload photos from my cellphone but I don't use it for anything else. How would I be notified?
Something as inoffensive as Grecian for Men?
Moon you excelled yourself!
No they're not being transparent. Up to now they haven't contacted every G+ account holder to tell them. You only found out about it from this site.
This is not going to help you but that is how it is done in Internet Explorer and it works a treat.
People often confuse "my data" with "data about me". One is private and the other isn't. In this case the info you choose to be publicly available - the product review - is "data about you". It's information which says you bought this product and here is what you thought about it. "My data" on the other hand is your…
Alan I'm still grooving on the moment I had a couple of weeks ago when you said in a throwaway line that my data belongs to me and companies shouldn't just assume they can help themselves to it. Of course I already knew that but you just crystallized that concept for me.
Also speaking of white lists did you read the…
I mentioned this last week in a comment to another user and you omitted the same thing. As well as the actions above which you list this also occurs if you follow a company. You can follow a company for other reasons than just liking them. The example I quoted last week was you may need to follow the manufacturer of…
I think you have an exaggerated view of your own importance
Well I would hate for the guy who maintains a company's database not to have read the manual; or even my AC guy.
If you manage a product isn't it incumbent on you to read the manual and be thoroughly familiar with it? A lot of companies do actually provide a summary of what you need to get going, the rest of the instructions becoming more of a reference manual. What I originally commented on if I remember correctly, it was so…
Unless you're caring for a disabled person 24/7 then you are managing your time badly if your free time is limited in this way that you can't take time out to see what's going down.
You can add a double tap action to your icons using Tasker, thereby tripling the actions available. I posted how to do this in Hackerspace many moons ago.…
You're confusing 'my data' with 'data about me'. Data about me is what's already out there, my user name on lifehacker and associated picture, my Facebook or Google plus pages if I had them, all that stuff. My data is my social security number, where I was last Friday evening, where I buy my cosmetics from. How do I…
Or followed it. You missed out following a business. I might want to follow a pharmacy for updates on medication I use for example but I don't want my friends to know necessarily. There's a whole snake's nest of eventualities stemming from leaving this setting checked. All sharing activities should be off by default.…
How can anyone with more than one active brain cell have thought this was a good idea? I would recommend turning it off right now and then later, if you feel your friends really can't live without this feature then think carefully before turning it on for them - you derive no benefit apart from not having to tell your…