Cass Lopez

I posted about this in yesterday's openthread. I'm running it on an HTC DNA with 4.1.1 and honestly you wouldn't know it was a beta. I replaced the camera homescreen shortcut with this app. The only thing I couldn't get to work which Alan has explained above was the burst shutter thing which let's face it unless your

I was more asking than commenting because I still use mainly windows 7 with the taskbar hack. From the pic it seems windows 8 was the target. But anyway can you even read the percentage through the blur?

I don't have an iPhone with this feature but as I see it, if you only register one fingerprint isn't security beefed up a little (or a lot). If hacking this involves getting a copy of your fingerprint to transfer to a piece of plastic then surely if you only have one print registered then the chance the crook has that

Hold on...! Doesn't your app's Taskbar entry show the progress bar?

Hello Muon, my infinitesimally small particle . How's the hemorrhoids? Did you try putting acid on them to numb the pain?

It does look like they mean from the Chrome store search results but that makes no difference. It dawned on me that Google pretty much have a monopoly on search... what's Bing - 16%? If they choose to remove something from search it's pretty much disappeared, as in never existed. Let's say some small Silicon Valley

From the Chrome blog link -

There should be a basic intelligence test before people are allowed to post on Lifehacker.

Who the hell recommended this post...? Twice!

I have a Droid DNA with the Otterbox case. With case on - no NFC or at best very unreliable; case off - NFC works as it's supposed to.

from Pedants Anonymous

Just before I left Microsoft there was a brainstorming session trying to think up a good use for Microsoft Tags - those colored patterns which were MS's version of QR codes. They can hold more data than a regular old QR code and so were potentially more useful. No one thought of anything. Chirp is out there waiting

I don't think I've lost sight of what Chirp is about at all; more, I would say that I can see what it could be about in the future. At the moment it's just used for gimmicky picture transfer and the like. As such, just like just about anything else both parties in the transfer need to be running the app. However,

How many people do you see aiming their laptop camera at a qr code? That's what I meant by not good at it. As far as accepting porn it would go something like this -
Device set to receive chirps.
Chirp chirp...
"Incoming chirp from XYZ Accept? Yes No"
Pretty much the industry norm for unrequested incoming data

Well it was reasonably ascerbic months ago when the article was first published as the NSA scandal was unfolding. Now, with your slow reading speed it's no longer so. So go and ding ding ding yourself for being a winner at being a loser.

Have you actually used the app? You have to figure out for yourself how to generate the widget, there is no generate widget button and the way to do it isn't easily guesssble, i.e. it's not intuitive.

The new Yahoo weather app has quite a nice widget. The app itself is very limited and not very configurable, preferring instead to be eye candy rather than a useful source of information. FWIW I think Weatherbug Elite is the best weather app combined with nice looking and easy to use too. Now if it only had the Yahoo

Right! Just need some money now.

Tasker instructions are obscure yes. That's why some people make a career from coding and some from writing manuals, and ne'er the twain shall meet.
I wanted to do a couple of things with Tadker that were let's say a little off the beaten track so I printed out all the material one evening and read through, making

Doesn't matter... there's a pencil for that!