Ms Brocius

I rolled my eyes so hard at this article saying Teigan “took accountability.” Is that what we are calling never reaching out privately to the person you are allegedly apologizing to while also still keeping them blocked on the social media site where you post your apology? Because that’s totally what Teigen did, and

I also felt like Dan was bizarrely glossing over the fact the letterwriter’s original friend was the guy, not the girlfriend. Like, he kept talking in his answer about how common this situation is with female friends’ boyfriends, but that is not at all what the letterwriter said. He clearly identifies them as his male

In Tiger King, one of the guys who was the inspiration for Tony Montana was interviewed, and he still has exotic animals. He also, weirdly enough, seemed the most normal out of all the other big cat owners. Low bar because he was still clearly fucking crazy but still.

Those are both good bets. His car lot was raided by the Department of Homeland Security about a year-and-a-half ago, and I’ve seen a lot of speculation that, based on their involvement, he is likely looking at trafficking or porn charges. The other common guess is something financial.

I actually should be watching that one tonight and will keep an eye out for him. Thanks!

Okay I think I remember him in the series as the guy who Winters thought yelled too much. Pretty cool he’s still alive.

Oh wow I just started rewatching Band of Brothers a couple of nights ago. Who is the last survivor? 

Would just like to point out that Davis did not surrender at Appomattox. That was Lee. Davis was nowhere near Appomattox. Guess the budget for a fact checker at the AvClub is as nonexistent as the budget for a copyeditor. 

I’ve been a Sturgill fan for a while and am happy to see him ascending beyond the country music world, especially since he’s clearly not embraced by the powers that be there. 

One of my favorite albums of the past few years. I listen to it often. 

Hehe Is your friend my friend? Mine also used to call him Unstabler. My grandmother calls him Joel to match the name of a formerlocal cop who was pretty notorious for his brutality. Between those nicknames, I have to stop and think about what the character’s real name is every time I see his picture.

Stoney Burke’s is pretty pointed. The cast tries to save a perfectly healthy but unruly horse from being sent to a slaughterhouse, and the dialogue about why the horse should be saved and why the man selling it is a son of a bitch is also an argument for why the show shouldn’t have been axed.

And not from I, Claudius since he was rocking quite the wig on there! ;) 

I have been hit on twice on LinkedIn by complete strangers after they sent me connection requests, and I block and report those motherfuckers so fast. I’m in editing, and my profile pic is clearly of a bookworm of average looks. I have no clue what they were expecting. 

I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I went into it with low expectations but ended up finding it funny as hell. I was cracking up last night thinking of Segal getting so wrapped up in the puppets. “He’s like a young Pacino!” is a line I’ve used more than once.

I watched the show (or the first few seasons, anyway) for the first time a couple of years ago, and the main thing I remember is that Segal’s character Jack was frenemies with Trump. He’s mentioned quite a few times as someone that Jack is dickishly competitive with. I don’t think he ever actually appears. It’s always

Yeah after I found out actually happened, that occurred to me too. He wouldn’t need a go-between to be disgusting. 

And Andy Griffith is the bad guy!!!!!! 

My immediate assumption was it at had to be Seagal before the internet figured out it was almost certainly Billy Baldwin.

Yes! Such an underrated little gem! I forced the library I work at to buy it, and I proselytize for it often whenever I'm asked for movie recommendations.