You can't make me! ;)
You can't make me! ;)
Now I’m sad this will never happen!
Ooh he would have made a great Hemingway in a movie!
Great interview, Gwen! (And thanks for the link to the first Random Roles for him! I enjoyed his thoughts on Tombstone, one of my all-time favorite movies.)
I've already been on that list for a long time, I’m sure. :D
All of his nonfiction crimes books are excellent. He has become a favorite of mine. He also has a great book on the OK Corral!
I love Jeff Guinn’s books! Reading his newest about the Vagabonds now. It’s weird to read a book of his that doesn’t give me nightmares. Lol
These modern action stars are a bunch of candyasses! Obviously, these guys learned nothing from the lore of 80s action movies sets.
That’s a great scene! My default scene for him is this one, though the video quality on YouTube is crappy:
Yep, he even referred to themselves as “slippies” to differentiate.
I second everyone who said Mad Men and Breaking Bad. I actually delayed watching the Mad Men final season until last year because I was so afraid it would disappoint me. It wasn’t perfect, but I was pleasantly surprised with how well they wrapped it up. It was very fitting.
You’ve pretty much summed up everything that bothers me about all of QT’s historical revisionist movies. To me, it just feels like a cheap, juvenile way to “feel good” about really awful historical events. Maybe I’m just overly picky because I was a history major in college, but it rubs me the wrong way.
“My favorite Joan Crawford quote:’If you want to see the girl next door, go next door.’”
This should not be my takeaway, but when you say Ben Feldman, do you mean Ginzo from Mad Men?
“Listen closely, though, and you might sense something cruel in its easygoing chorus, during which Cobain sings lines like, ‘got some rope’ and ‘don’t cut yourself.’”
Would Danny McBride play me in a movie? I’m a woman who is several inches shorter and a several years younger than him, but I think he could pull it off. Hell, he could just be every member of my family in the movie. I'd watch it. They would too. Come on, Danny!
Thanks for mentioning the behind-the-scenes drama. Am reading about that now, and yeah, that escalated quickly. . . .
Huh that’s interesting. I was a kid when it came out so only watched it for the first time about 5 years ago during an Edward Norton kick I was on. I knew going into it that it would be intense, but I still wasn’t prepared for how disturbing and affecting it would be.
I thought he did a good job in T2—I agree with you that his character is not supposed to be likable—but I was really impressed with him in American History X. I went into it, of course, expecting good work from Edward Norton, but Furlong pleasantly surprised me. I think Furlong’s issues in Hollywood have less to do…
Yeah, DeCarlo does do a good job, as well, with not a lot of material to work with!