Yes, it was a family tradition growing up. I think our local channel rotates it with Ben Hur.
Yes, it was a family tradition growing up. I think our local channel rotates it with Ben Hur.
It lacks two things that make The Ten Commandments kind of awesome: a scene-stealing Yul Brynner being really hot and sinister and a scene-stealing Edward G Robinson being really sleazy and sinister.
I read that last sentence in Ron Howard’s best Arrested Development narrator voice!
Maybe his next tour will be the federal penitentiary system. . . .
Was wondering if they’d give you a discount if you inflicted an oyster, martini, and cheesecake revenge on your boss/friend.
Yeah he was one of my first actor crushes. 11-year-old me was quite taken with him when I watched Gladiator in theater.
Agreed! Hughes often gets in my nerves when he thinks he's being funny.
I get the impression the writer is just being pissy because he doesn’t like Russell Crowe and just assumes everyone else feels the same way.
Surprised nobody has called him a candyass yet. . . .
Oh he’s definitely taking advantage of that and the murders' 50 year anniversary.
Also thanks for that recommendation! I don’t usually listen to podcasts, but that sounds like one I’d like.
Yeah the author I mentioned—Guinn—has written about both Manson and Jim Jones and said Jones would have been wanted Manson wanted to be. But he was such a fuck-up and a weirdo that his cult was never going to be more than a handful of confused burnt-out hippie kids and runaways because he had no idea how to interact…
But thank you for taking the time to tell me about it! I do appreciate it. Might consider reading it but one of those deals where I check it out of the library to avoid giving the guy any money.
I would find that interesting on its own, but I really am turned off by the author trying to make it seem like there is some moral equivalence in Bugliosi lying—and I’m not going to argue with that conclusion or defend Bugliosi; like I said, I really prefer Guinn’s book to Bugliosi’s—and Manson leading a murderous…
That’s good, but I am immediately suspicious of books that vaguely claim major bombshells that sound like they come off a conspiracy theorist bingo card. What is this shocking new information he is promising?
For real!
Meh I thought Bugliosi could be annoying and arrogant, but that hardly makes him worse than Manson.
We got two!
My go-to Don line is “I’m not here to tell you about Jesus!”
“Hell’s bells” is one of the Pete lines I use the most. That and “It’s an epic poem for me to get home!”