Ms Brocius

Yeah and if you don’t want to meet them at your swanky rich person house, whatever happened to meeting at a cheap, out-of-the-way diner and sitting back-to-back at different tables and pretending not to talk to each other while you plot and scheme!?

There were a lot of mentions of checks in the official paperwork, but it seems like they tried to pay them to his Foundation, ostensibly for charity, so that was a little better effort there. 

For real. I wouldn’t want to do illegal business with these dumbasses who are explicitly emailing each other about their schemes and talking about them openly on the phone.

That works better than my theory that he was secretly Bertha in Jane Eyre.

Thank you! That had me stumped too. He was born in 1964, so he wasn’t alive during the year depicted. So, I’m wondering what makes this semi-autobiographical. Did he have an affair? Did his wife cheat on him? Did he live in an attic once?

Chickens coming home to roost? ;) 

This makes me sound like I watch way more CBS than I actually do, but I now own a fair amount of music that I discovered through either Person of Interest or The Good Wife. . . .

Thanks! Looking forward to giving it a try. 

Yeah it’s definitely a big deal! People where I am never bat an eye about venison anything. In fact, it’s not really called venison around here. People always just refer to it as deer. Deer chili, deer jerky, deer spaghetti, etc.

Me too. I always put venison in my chili and have never gotten complaints or even any raised eyebrows over it. But I live in the boonies of rural Arkansas. Mole would definitely not go over well around here, I’d think. 

How much sweet potato do you put in your chili? I like sweet potatoes and am intrigued with the idea of spiking my next batch of chili with them. :)

This was a fun read.

I’m over a year behind everyone else, but I agree with this 100%. These recaps are just terribly myopic and one-note

I’ve not watched IASIP in a few seasons (just busy with other things). But I just watched the clip of this dance, and that was fucking beautiful. Not usually a modern dance fan, but it made me teary-eyed.

He was so quotable! I still giggle about “That is women’s work! Even Winchester women don’t do women’s work!” (Or some variation of that. Also from memory!) It probably wouldn’t have been all that funny with anyone else, but his intonation was perfect. 

The stuttering episode remains one of my favorite MASH episodes. I loved Winchester when he was being a jerk, too, but it was always wonderful to see a softer side of him.


What’s also nice about Ronan is he actually seems like a nice, decent person, which is not my automatic mental image of a child prodigy.

My roommate was a computer science major, and I had a lot of respect for her. I think the part that makes a humanities degree easier is that you can BS your way through an argument if you’re good at it, which you can’t with more exact fields, though I learned that was a lot more true in English than history. My

His academic record is crazy impressive! I also read he was a double major in college—philosophy and biology, I think. I double majored in English and history, and it was rough, but there was a lot of overlap. However, there is no way I could have handled that in my 20s, let alone in my teens! And there was no way I