Ms Brocius

I know what you mean about often opting not to say things in person. I spend a lot of time quietly seething about things and hem-hawing around what I really want to say, so I don't sound so irritating. It is definitely something I still have problems with, though I am not as bad as I was as a kid.

I was an obnoxious know-it-all as a kid. I had to get knocked off that pedestal pretty firmly by my family when I was about 12 or 13.I am glad they did it, but when I finally read the Harry Potter books as an adult, I almost couldn't stand Hermione simply because she reminded me so much of how insufferable I must have

True! There's no need for CGI, and I don't think anyone in the cast commands A-list salaries.

Yeah I know that sequels are inevitable for profitable movies, whether or not they are needed or wanted. I'm just curious if this third one will make a profit. I could see it just as easily making a ton of money as bombing.

Oh I don't doubt that people turned out to watch the sequel based on the popularity of the first one.

I was the the right age for them—in 3rd grade when it started—but I didn't read them until I was in my mid 20s. I had avoided them for years but was bored and decided to read them to see what I was missing.

I still can't fathom that. Finding out she was married to him was like finding out The Hound was the yarp guy from Hot Fuzz.

I watched the first movie twice in theaters, despite rarely going to the movies, because my friends wanted to see it and I like spending time with them and at the time they were constantly trying to reform me of my hermit ways by planning outings. (They have since given up on that.) I didn't think Pitch Perfect was as

Thanks for this! I've been thinking about giving it a try—what I've heard about it has amused me, and I like a lot of the actors. But I was concerned that not reading the comics would be a problem in appreciating it, so glad to hear it shouldn't be.

That line and the story behind it has always made me suspect that Tommy Lee Jones has Nelson Van Alden's personality. Indeed, I can't read it without doing it in Van Alden's voice.

This is what floors me about the people I know in person who support Trump. He is the embodiment of every single thing they have ever claimed to hate in a politician. When I point this out, they have no rebuttal because they know I am right, but they also still support him.

Oh Show Dorne is virtually unwatchable. I read the books after last season and was surprised how much I enjoyed the Dorne story lines there. Of course those stories never ended up on the show. . . .

It's Baby Bates's turn to be a jailbird.

Meh I am not looking forward to Euron being the next vilain-in-chief. I've always found the Iron Islands boring as hell, and I'm as burnt out with psychopathic sadists as everyone else after Ramsey.

Admittedly, my dislike for Costner borders on the irrational, but I have personally never forgiven him for The Postman, which I was forced to watch as a teenager. I knew that movie would suck and despite my protests I was forced to watch it anyway. Felt seriously vindicated when everyone else in the family was like,

Miss O'Brien ended up being my favorite. She was awful, but I missed her.

The servants wanted to introduce them to a fun new drink called Kool-Aid.

Which would be a vast improvement on the later seasons.

Sounds like a pretty good haul!

That sounds fun! Did you get anything good?