Ms Brocius

Thanks so much for the recommendation! I actually would like to read more. I was thinking of also reading Reiterman's The Raven, but I had never heard of this one before. It sounds wonderful, and I am looking forward to trying it!

I have a hard time with that too. I try to even eliminate as much first person as possible in my online comments, but I fail pretty mightily at it!

Good question!

This sounds really good! I love true crime but had never heard of this case before.

I've read a couple of other books that were okay this month, but the best one I read was Jeff Guinn's Road to Jonestown. I discovered Guinn last year, and he's quickly become one of my favorite nonfiction writers.

Does the guy punch the polar bear in the face BRIAN BLESSED! style? Because that kind of makes me want to read the book.

It's certainly the most Annie Wilkes-like photo of Molly Brown that has ever existed.

The Nazi Titanic movie is worth watching, if only because it is so bonkers. My favorite part is the random German officer, who of course is the only one who knows what he is doing. It has to be one of the strangest movies I have ever watched.

Damn he really does sound awful. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.

Well, we do have to be able to recognize potential business partners. . . .

Yeah you can't drop that lizard person anecdote and not give us more details! I have yet to be accused of being a lizard person by my Jewish relatives. Yet.

I'm American, but American Olympic coverage has made me actively root against the United States in the Olympics since I was 12.

I'm still a little scarred by the episode of Freaky Eaters I watched where some woman was eating her late husband's ashes.

Wasn't Tim McVeigh wearing that on a shirt when he was arrested?

I can see that as an immediate reaction in the moment as a defense mechanism—wanting to believe it is not true. As a general rule, when there is breaking news about something terrible, I usually try to be aware that it is a fluid situation and that early reports can often be confused and garbled. But continuing to…

I just can't even fathom the kind of person who heard about Sandy Hook and decided it was a hoax.

4 years behind everyone else in this discussion, but I also really like this take on the scene.

I liked it too! I always thought it was haunting and sad, which always appeals to me.

I didn't recognize his name, but I recognize him on IMDB now! Damn, I wish I could see this play!

YES! I was thinking whoever played Horatio was someone I really liked too, but I couldn't remember who it was!