Yeah I got the impression he found torturing her kind of boring in comparison.
Yeah I got the impression he found torturing her kind of boring in comparison.
YES! I'm not really easy to surprise or disturb, but when he punched her, I was so stunned that I stopped paying attention to anything for a few minutes while inside my head, I kept thinking, "Did you really just do that?"
I first noticed him in Rome. I had no idea who he was and when he was introduced as Brutus, I just sort of booed because, well,Brutus. Within a few episodes, he had completely won me over and was one of my favorite characters. After that, I always kept an eye out for him. I also love his interviews. He's such an…
Yeah that's probably true!
I don't know. I think some people are just really awful.
I hadn't heard anything about the AV Club cutting its coverage on shows. That sucks. Does anyone know the reasoning behind it or what other shows didn't make the cut?
Menzies really is one of the most magnetic actors I've ever watched.
Yeah I haven't read the books yet—getting ready to start them next week actually—but I remember reading somewhere that Jon was described as being one of the most Stark - like in appearance of the children.
On a side note, can you imagine Clegane family dinners or reunions? I think they'd have to be one of the most awesomely awkward family get-togethers known to man.
I could see something like this happening!
Aren't the Starks also noted for their dark hair?
I think that's one of the things I enjoy about him most—he gets shit done!
That would be acceptable because that's the Magnificent Bastard Baelish I know and love! :)
The Hound is the talker in the family.
I don't judge. I love Littlefinger. The more awful he is, the more I love him. In the highly unlikely event he were ever to have an about-face and redeem himself, I'd never forgive him.
There's a lot of man candy on Game of Thrones that I enjoy, but he's definitely one of my favorites.
They're called minerals! ;)
I agree! That's one reason I was so happy Harold and John were working together in the last episode. It just seemed right.
I don't get the fanatical fans, either. Have you seen the uproar that happened on Twitter when William Shatner got into a fight with some Outlander shippers this past couple of weeks? It was *insane*! I can't even parse what happened because so much of the content was deleted, but I wandered onto some more rabid fan…
Thanks! I appreciate that! :)