Ms Brocius

Awesome! I'm looking forward to it! I've been curious about Jim Jones after I rather stupidly decided that watching the 1980 Powers Boothe miniseries about him would cure my insomnia one night a couple of years ago.

Thanks for the recommendation!

Oh wow. I had no idea! The description of the novel, which I just read, sounds a lot more intriguing than the movie. That has piqued my interest.

Thanks! I'm not familiar with that author. Next time I have a patron wanting something to read in that vein, I'll be sure to pass that along!


That's so true. But I feel like that truth about humanity could have been fashioned into a much more interesting show to watch than what The Walking Dead ultimately became for me.

Not going to lie, that image of Emerson having a meltdown in slippers while his teammates urge him to action made me laugh so hard I almost spilled the ice tea I was drinking.

One of the reasons I quit the show wasn't because of the dark turns the characters took but the fact that they seemed stuck in the same cycle:

That's a really good point about Fusco! (Poor Fusco. He is one of my favorites, so I think I tend to shut down mentally when he is harmed.)

I actually figured it was going to be Root, primarily because of the things she was saying. The only minor quibble I had with this episode is I felt like in those scenes they telegraphed her death too overtly. I was sad to see Root go, but I was actually more upset by Elias's death because it startled me more.

I think there are definitely problems with Harold's approach, though I don't know if I would compare him to Ned Stark, primarily because I think Ned and Harold have such polar opposite personalities and life experiences.

That was my impression, too.

That makes sense!

For me that scene worked, though I did see some people on other websites saying it didn't work for them.

Yeah I saw that interview and wasn't entirely sure I bought that argument because it didn't gel with my memory of how things played out. But then again I also had to watch the last season sporadically, so I could have missed episodes that provided more clues.

That's fair! I didn't think too much about that part because honestly I was pretty tore up about the whole Elias thing so watching Finch lose it too just destroyed me.


Oh okay. The religion aspect does intrigue me.

I don't know. I felt like Finch was pretty devastated about Elias. That scene of him being dragged away afterward was hard for me to watch.

It's cathartic to vent! When I post reviews on Goodreads, I almost never write an actual review. I usually just use the star rating thing and move on. But I felt the need to write several paragraphs ranting about Vowell's book. It felt good. It felt good to rant about it here too.