As devastated as I would be at losing Reese and Finch, that would be acceptable, given that it seems like the character deaths aren't going to stop at this point.
As devastated as I would be at losing Reese and Finch, that would be acceptable, given that it seems like the character deaths aren't going to stop at this point.
During his monologue in the police station, I was so excited at the prospect of Finch morphing into a badass, but it also made me so sad because of what it means for that character. Sadder actually than what happened to Root because I feel like they overplayed the foreshadowing a bit much this episode.
I've always loved his portrayal of Finch, but last night was his best-ever performance in the show, in my opinion. I think watching Finch break bad will be equal parts awesome and heartbreaking.
As much as I hate the idea of Harold dying, does this mean Fusco might make it out alive? I've been terrifying of losing Fusco since about season 2.
I actually bought Reiterman's Raven a couple of months ago and haven't gotten around to it. I kept seeing it mentioned as the definitive Jim Jones account but hadn't talked to anyone who read it. I'm definitely going to make sure I read it this summer now. Thanks so much for the recommendation! :)
Okay thanks!
I'm glad it's not just me! Everyone else I know adores her stuff. I had had a lot of her books on my to-read list, but after Assassination Vacation, I removed them all.
Very true! I took a class on Nazi Germany in college, and we watched a lot of Riefenstahl. I watched the Titanic Nazi Germany style movie on my own, and it was hilariously demented.
I've actually not read any Sedaris, but I hated Vowell's work because of the forced quirkiness.
Yes, you can call converts Jewish. :)
Your review is magnificent! :)
Yes, it does! I'm over halfway through it now, and it really is so good! I'm actually kind of dreading the end because I know what happens inevitably to all of them, but I've also grown fond of the characters.
Thanks! I really enjoy reading Soviet/Russian history. I'll definitely check this one out!
Thanks! I've found the subject oddly fascinating after watching their propaganda Titanic movie and then also an ungodly amount of Nazi propaganda for a class.
What's the title of the book you're reading on Nazi cinema?
Haha This is true!
Okay thanks for your response!
I work in a library, and I never can recommend The Historian for the reasons I mentioned. But I always tell people when they check it out that we should compare notes afterward.
Silent Spring really impressed me. I read it for a class and did not expect it to be such a great reading experience.
Hehe I think that's a pretty fair take on it. I work in a library, and I've noticed from chatting with patrons that the response to it tends to be very mixed and even the people who like it can't recommend it without qualifications.