
Also a Giants fan, and frankly I can’t stand either one of them. A fine pair of dicks, frankly.

I’m a Giants fan, and not a Harper fan, and even I can’t help but take his side with that dumbass Strickland. I’m loyal, but not that loyal. Glad he’s your problem and not ours anymore.

There’s a very simple reason why McQueary didn’t go to the cops right away: sometimes when we see things that go against our pre-existing beliefs, our brains work their asses off to come up with reasoning. McQueary respected Sandusky as a football coach and seeing him rape a child was outside of what he expected. So

Iiiiiiiiiiiiin West Philadelphia

I’m a trans woman who has seen the attacks on my community ramp up over the past couple of years. When you say “maybe we could scrap identity politics”, I hear “maybe you should hush while we discuss what I consider *real* problems.”

I was rooting so hard for Janet(s)!

They are fans aka in a cult. End of story. I hate Bernie so much because he foments this crap with his silence.

This is totally par for the course for Bernie’s supporters, a cohort of edgelords for whom politics has become a tribal bloodsport, yet paradoxically have nothing of substance at risk with any of these elections (save their egos). They will gleefully shipwreck this country and all our futures in the name of

But Bernie is going to give middle class New England white kids free weed and college.  How dare she sully his name /s

Cant wait for the white Bernie supporters to come explain how this was all trolls and not actual Bernie supports, ignoring the numerous persons of color, women, and especially women of color who have been documenting it for 4 years now. They know about it better than the people experiencing it and they are here to

Actually, weirdly, I think he’s trying to do a solid to private prison companies. California basically shut the practice down, and I bet those dicks would be happy to transition to being the company wardens of “homeless” immigrants.

Media: Coach can we ask you a question about the unpaid labor force you get to use as the highest paid employee in the state of Washington?

As someone who works in San Francisco, yes, the sight of someone pissing in the Powell St BART can be unsightly. But Id rather live with that along with the positives (beautiful landscape, racist shitheads and bigots are not the majority in this area, Oracle Park is stupid great to watch a game) than live in most

Very fitting for the Giants to give up on a guy the rest of us wrote off 5 years ago

I love how conservatives try to depict California cities as these vile, miserable wastelands that nobody wants to live in, at the same time as housing prices here continue to skyrocket.

Please just write about everything. Thanks. 

It has nothing to do with paying college athletes.

I realize Kelsey’s new, and Megan’s at Jezebel, but you should have had someone show you Deadspin house style for lists. Because this really should have been ranked 1-14, with #13 “Getting hit by a copy of Infinite Jest”.

He doesn’t start that one very strong...

Namath didn’t play in the Meadowlands. He played in Shea.